Page 369 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 369
No. 16 Commercial, dated Bash Ire, the 8 th November 1913.
Fnn—LIe’:t.-Col. Sir P. Z. Cox, K.C.I.E., C.S.T., Hli Majesty's Conmhte-
To—His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Fvreign Oilier,
I have the honour to submit to you the Trade Report for this Consular
district for tho year March 21, 1912 to March 20, 1913, which has been
compiled by Mr. II. G. Chick, Commercial Adviser to this R/jsidcncy and
Consulalc-G cncral.
I am sending a copy to His Majesty's Minister at Tehran,