Page 372 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
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                   SMrjx.—Ab’ut 40,009 inhabitants. Capital-:f Fare. General Import3. Export* carpels, opium,
                ilmonds, raisins, Gum Trngacanth.
                   J?yj£ ire.—About 23,000 inhabitants. Capital of provinco of Gulf Ports. Agricultural market for
                littoral. Exports grain, gum, seeds.
                   Kascrun.—About 12,000 inhabitants. Sub-Government. Agricultural centre for rice, opium,
                grain, etc.
                   Borazjun.—About 4,000 inhabitants. Exports grain, dates, tambaku, gum.
                   Behlihan.—About 10,000 inhabitants. Scat of Government of Kubgclu and chief source of
                supply for those tribes. Exports gum, opium, 6eeds.
                   Firuzabad.—Population about 1,000. Agricultural centre for rosewater, rice, gum, almonds.
                   Jab ram.—About 15,000 inhabitants. Agriculture, tarabaku, dates.
                   Ban hr Dilzm.—Ab’ut 1,000 inhabitants. Export grains : forwarding centre for Behbehan.
                   Bandar Jtij.—About 3,000 inhabitants. Exports grain, agricultural produce.
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