Page 379 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 379
Empire foil l>y 5 VV per cent, to a total of 70 C'5 | Banking an<l Ese\ange.—Financially, 191*2-13
percent. Tins was due to a further reduction of : is said to have boon a normal jvar: rates of ex-
S*I2 per cent, in the share of Indian trade, but is • change kept fairly steady, though on a far higher
of no real significance as it comes under the head j scale than in 1011-12, and the rise in February
of specie. * 1913 to over Kraus 03 per Cl sterling brought
Gmnan tnulc wilt, an increaw of £34.197 hold nww |W raliaff in lUOS. In contraJia-
tbo third place as regard import*, the icrcentagc I"'-''1"1' *■ "Wl* al>
1-cine 7*03. tluo to loaf and crv.Vil sugar, and to ‘""S5 t0 t'lc '!o">and this and higher
anas'and ammunition .applied to tic Persian exchange wore dueito the much smal.T .piantny of
Government ; France, lielgin.n and Austria all Sr:"° SP-V,° « also imported u> a
showed increases, resulting from the heavy import ; ,nUc“ l«*ser extent,
of sugar. ; Xo bankruptcies of importance occurred in
In"'x,mns the percentage of the United King- Bashiw ,ln;inh' tho P-rio^ ,uuJ«r thcrjSh
domand India rose to 13 52 per cent., and 19-2(1 . things are hy no moans_ right yet in Shiraz with
ier cent, resiwtivelv, the total percentage of the tho Bcrsian. Zoroastrain firms, ivhccv large oot
id ritirb Empire being f.2-72 or an increase of 7 12 binding claims have .vet to b- r.-covered.
(£71,123) on 1011-12. The avarage monthly rates for Bank demand
Owing to the smaller export of Opium to China, j drafts were:—
exj»orts to that country decreased to .£00,4-40 (0 9> • London. per 1>/ Rs.
ji-r £l
per cent.) : and to the lack of cereals after June. ; Kians. Kras*.
exports to Germany fell t-» £22,71»5 (3*21 per cent ). 1913 March 20:h-3!rt . 33-52 373
Opium to the Dutch Indies was the cause of the Aril 3 465 3*3
in« reuse of £35,20U. May 33-37 375
Jura 53 00 369
The share of the British Empire in the aggre July 55-!*6 375
gate proportion by value of the total trade uf ; Augo-t 3000 375
Bushire was, compared with former years : September . 50-00 370
Ot.--.wbir 50*05 370-50
Per Ccst. November , 55-75 377
1KV-07 . 02 i December . 5710 383-5*)
1W7-03 . 77 19i3 Janaary . 57-87 3*S
li-CS-0 • . 70 February •18-12 380-5*5
1909-10 68 March 1st—29th . 57-17 3:3
1:*10 11 . 70
1911-12 . 65 The highest Bank rate during tLj year was
l:*.2-!3 . GO Kraus o'| per £1 on February Sth, 1013 ; the
Fiiaacial Si/u:tioa U the Gx!f Porft.—Gross loW,-sl Kran# 7}i* on April 10th, 1912.
customs revenue f-'*r the sratbera provinces, at 50 The ax-era go exchange for the year was tfcere-
K-r»us p*r £1, compared with receipts ia ly 11-12 fore approximately Kraus 56’IS per £1, and Kraus
was as f-.llows :— 377*42 per 10u rupees, the highest since 1905.
1911-12. 19:2-13. Comparative rates of exchange of recent
C i* years :—
Ear iar Abbas pr>v:cce 37.5-3 Per ICO Rs.
EodJre province . i 6.5-:« Per Cl
A.*a;:-*.ia province . C4.3-3 March lfO:-* 7 55 C*) 374*15
„ 19» -03 61-25 343 1 3
Tot.J - 19S.434 191.732 „ 1903-*9 61*51 20293
„ 1901-10 oo-lS 37C-S7
TL- factors leading t<*> the decrease were: — ,. 1910-11 5rS« 367*75
„ 1:11-12 5110 303 92
(a, A decrease of £ *0,3*15 in revenue de ., 1912-13 5u*jS 377*42
rived from imports al lie at Bandar ;
Abbas. It is of interest to compare the Bank discount
(l, The exceptionally large import of cotton rate on Bills on .^hiruz bought in Bushire, 25 to
goods at BusLire, and a remarkable • ; 30 da vs after date paper, with the rates of lyll-
increase in the ipiautity of opium ex- j R&tw per Rates per
ported, which realized £17,bl4 out of | 1911. cert, 1912 cent.
a total revenue from export duties at j (iibcocnt. discount.
Bushire of £21,049; tliese two in- ' March 214 . Par March 2l;h 2
creases more than counterbalanced the - April I3tb . 1 April 4th 1
diminished revenue fr- m the smaller j A; ril 27ib . U April 30th 1
May 31st
expert of grain in 1912-13. j July 25th . 11 June 6tk U
J-.Tie 3Crh
(e) The cessation of export gra«n from j September 6th 3
Arabist an during the course of 1912, 5 Oc:o’.<r 22nd 34 O.-tober 5tb 1
November loth
owing to the poor harv-fts of 1912. | n . . . 4 1 December 31*t |
A further decrease if not improbable ! m2 j^nnar? 17th Par 1913 February l*t f
daring the year 1913-15. i February 13th 1 Fvbruary 19th Par
From the first two provinces nauv-d above, ’■ treat her and Rainfall.— Following on the
whivb arc comprised in the administrative Pro failure of the later rains in the early spring of
vince of the Gulf Ports, about £10,402 were • 1912, which prevented grain from maturing pro-
recovered as land revenue daring l'.*i2-13 ; and in 1 1 nerly, and left most districts of the littoral with
the budget for 1912-13 the land rev-nue is i-siirnat- harvests below the average, the year March .1.912-
cd at £12,242, and various excise ^ud municipal • 13 prov**d to be one of the [*oorc-t rainfalls during
receipts at £2,79b, against provincial and munici- the past 20 years. The u-ual autumn raius held
pal expenditure estimated at £21,101. \ off till DecemUr loth, 1912, and sowing was in