Page 384 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 384
Approximately one*third of the total import of British cotton goods entered Persia by way of
Jlosliire, ns will be seen in the following table :—
Imtokts to Uciuikk
Kr^m From «*r
Uniod fir! co.ntiios.
Ton*. Tons. Tons.
1X5 2,3-21 178 2.050
jvOC-07 1.085 •106 2.212
J 907-08 2,566 551 3,103
1I09-09 » 1,723 405 3.217
uoo-io a 1,013 850 1.877
1910-11 1,309 407 1^00
3911-12 1,871 G12 2,521
3012-13 2,470 558 ! 3,085
As stated elsewhere, against this total import of 3,055 tons to Bushire :—
1.750 tons were forwarded to Shiraz.
431 tons were transhipped to Moharnmorah and ALwaz fur despatch to Isfahan by the Bakh-
tiari road.
202 tons were transhipped to small coast ports for sAe iu the immediate neighbourhood,
4S tons were sold in Uorazjan and other small districts on the Shief route.
G23 tons were sold in Bushire, or remained in stock at the end of March 1913.
The values assigned to impurts of cottons at Bushire were:—
i Manchester Total.
I Export.
£ £
1905 257,132 301,141
1906-07 270,452 302,939
1907-08 4-1^92 329,352
1908-00 316,4S3 397,020
1909-10 170,547 286,806
1910-11 243,046 307.777
1011-12 864,857 460,360
1912-13 479,669 673,386
There was a general increase in all (he various lines of cotton goods in vogue iu the Southern
Persian market, with the exception of Onuzc-s, Mullins, Sateens and Alpacas. In Dubahrs and
Prints especially stocks were overload'd. By March 1913 the only classes of goods showing a
tendency towards belter prices Were white mulls and shirtings.