Page 385 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 385

The following table give? an approximate list of tin? relative quantities of various
         lines of cotton goods imported in 1012-12 and previous years: it represents imj-jrls by nearly
         all drms and forwardiug agents in llushire. Classilioation is not always correct.
                                                  11*00-50 •   1910-11  1911-12  1912-13
                                                  I'iccia.   I'iicci.  Pioc«w.  Pieces.
         l!7»i/r unrf Grey Goodt
              Mriwu t-iS yards)                                     17.1?)   29,2?5
              Mexicans <96 yard*)                  18,230   7,833    6.020   14.814
              iVliVe and G:er Shirt big            31,197  35.129   45,2 i2   58.0G8
              White Mulls ' .                      15.703  39,101   50.977   76.520
              ■White Nainsooki.                    25.722  39,210   40.212   01.953
              Cambrics, drill-, twill*, lawns      21.034  11,3 JO   12-10   3-3,774
              White Gauze ,   ,   ,                1.518   18,407   15.7S9   5,478
         Coloured Gvcdt ■.—
              Prims, fast red, discharge, fancy, etc.                       121,935
                „   a:tori la-nfs .   .            45,941  112,925   137.652  1 i.ros
                „   Black and White            1   7,317    3,667    5.275   29.576
              Dubahrs (abo classed as Frintij .    37,428  19.961   is.;n    8’»,803
              Black Twi h .   .                     354    13.7S5   10,3 9   23,016
              Rod and Purple Twills .              17.102  11,275   02.(3)   61.134
                        Mulls .   •                13,217   6,550   25," 10   14,334
              Shirk Mull?                                            IV-29   7,559
              B ack and Dyed Italians ,            2.062    4,112    1,V-S   7,111
              Crimps ....          *               9,073   13.551   21.159   35,01-5
              Mu dins. Lcne-s. etc.                3,419   23,103   25,316 i   15.350
              B ack ar.d Grev Drills .                                0>7 |    092
              Sateens and alpacas                  1,962    4,149   11.219   7,993
              Brcccde* ....                                          1,422   2/117
              Crating*                                                       4,326
              Msjce.lancou* nature unknown)        19,973  17,092   16)700   36.076
                                       Total  . j 2SO.S76 |  413,303  560,112  764,238

            Compared with 1011-12, prices of the principal lines averaged per piece: —

                                                          1911-12.       1912-13.

                                                          Krans.        Krana.
        Mexicans (4S yards)                               34-32         32-35
        White Shirtings    -• .                           36-33-37-27   38-33’-37
        Liepm inn’s                                       36-3S-40-38   38 J-39-38*
        "White Mails                                      141-132-131   12J-13-131-1S
          m Nainsooks                                     19J-1S-17     171-13-181
            Cambrics                                      13-12-10-9  i  9 10
        Mntlini (per yard)                                0-93-0-75      1-0-75
        Gauze                                             4»-5
        Red Twills                                                      44
        Black Twills                                      56-56-32-54   43-50
        Purple Twills                                     39-41-40-37   30
        Dubiihri, red and purple                          30-20-27      2G1-29-3S-35
        Crimps      ,                                     51-15-35      35
   380   381   382   383   384   385   386   387   388   389   390