Page 425 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 425
20 shabis (19 puls) = l krau=4|d. (nearly).
10 krans = l lumao.
Coinago current in district:—Nickel pieces of 1 and 2 shahis; silver pieces of 1 kran (very
few)# 2 and 5 krans (few), lmpeiial JBauk of Persia notes of 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, &o. tliiiians.
In Bushire itself rupees and sovereigns arc commonly accepted.
Maximum r oli
Minimum 55}
Average 66 76
■Weights op Comx&cial Importance in District.
lf> kiass (Busbiro man) 7-75 lbs.
1 Tabriz or customs man (also called batman) 6- 54 „
1 Shiraz man 7- 36 „
1 Ilaobem man—
In Bush Ire . . ; 124
In Chogadak, and Cbabkutah 12t n
In Angali, Itiulbilleh, Kbusbab, Ziaret, Sbabankcrch Zeidoon, 1394 „
and Bcbbeban,
In Zira and Belibnra ...... i • 155 >»
In Hayat Daoud ......... IS 6 it
In Liravri .......... 2324 „
In Hindian .......... 240 n
1 kbarwar (100 batmans) ........ 654 >i
Pack i.vo.
Transport from Busbire to tbe interior is almost entirely by mul's. A fair weight for bale*
transported by mule is 150 to ISO lbs. each Lalf mule-load. Cases should be oblong, about 30 by 16
by 16 inches.
Principal Towns.
Iol)sV.l2aU.* Bocaxxs.
Shiraz 40,000 Capital of Fars. General Imports.
Exports :—Carpets, opium, almonds,
raisins, gum traga^anth.
Busbire 23,000 Capital of province of Gulf Ports.
Agricultural market for littoraL
Exports:—Grain, gum seeds.
Kazarun 12,000 Sub-Government. Agricultural centre
for rice, opium, grain, etc.