Page 428 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 428

                                                        occurrence. As tlie force becomes
                   below umlcr llto beading "Distribution oE                       more fir*]*
                                                        established and bettor disciplined,  causn f,;r
                   1 Illicit4 ",                        ce:;:plaint will automation*.!/ disappear.
                                                          Table showing “ ralulari ” exactions in 19)3.
                      Bushlrc-Shiraz Rond.—Tlio following tabic   lias compared with figures for 101*2-13 : —
                   is the result of a careful record kept of the animals
                   leaving llushiro during tho year : —                    Pz* Mai
                                    Mulct.  DooVfj*.  Ctudi.            1912-13.  1913-14.
                   March 21—31              3.704                        Kr»rj. • Kr»r.« —  ». i
                   Apr3 .            6,319  3.5S7       March             21-33  19 G5  6 J
                    3Taj .           1.0S1  1,197       Maj .             27 30  1370   3 3
                    June .           2.039   309        Jor.« .                  13 00  4 11
                    Julj .           2,511  1,03# |     Jo’.j             3230   10 45  3 9»
                    Aagrut           1.023  3.024       AcgTut                   11*25  4 l
                    ScptexVtr        2,218  1.401       September         4l<5   10-25  3 9
                    Octol-cr         2,212  1.CG3       Oct:ber           47*30  1-200  4 4,
                    November          035    859        Xevember          2513   AVI.
                    Dcrexler         1,533 :  333       Dc-.-ejiber       21-50  .V !L
                    Janntry          2.301   674        Jst.iv j          25-33  y*i.
                    PebruiTj          005   1,255       Ft:ruftry         -25-35  Sit.
                    March 1—20        l.SC-9 3,491 {<*)  1,011
                                                          Gaveruzne:i Forwarding D*ps::xeat nad Mule Hire Agree*
                      (a) Also sox* 2,000 d:nVc-jt, which tool- grain to Shiraz.
                                                           The mule hire agreement inaugurated in De­
                       The Kazarun route from Bushire to Shiraz   cember 1012 remained in force throughout the
                    continued in use throughout the year, and though   year. The forwarding merchants met regularly
                    traffic was interrupted on two occasions in  consc-  at monthly intervals for the purpose of fixing
                    queues of attacks on the gendarmerie, it. was not   rair3 of hire and discussing other matters of
                    found necessary to divert c-.ravans to any of the   common interest. The encouragement given by
                    alternative r:utes as has from time to time been   general agreement of the members to donkeymen
                    the case in the past                 to work on the Bushire-Shiraz section has re­
                       The Persian new year found the Persian   sulted in record numbers of auimals plying on
                    gendarmerie under Swedish officers in partial   this route during the first-half of 1914, and has
                    occupation of the portion of the road between   done much to solve the transport problem, con­
                    Kazarun and Shiraz, and no exactions were   sequent on the diminishing number of mules,
                    reported.                            which has recently become acute.
                                                           The agreement has however been the subject
                       In November the gendarmerie took over the   of some controversy. Firms forwarding piece-
                    rest of the road down to Basbire, and for the   goods exclusively complained, and justly, that
                     first time for many years caravans performed the   their stocks being valuable were numerically»
                     Sbiraz-Bushixe journey without paying   a penny  mere fraction of those of the large importers of
                     iu rabdari.
                                                         sugar, and that the system of proportionate dis­
                       The gendarmerie have done work for which   tribution of mules according to stocks in hand
                     tho mercantile community have caused to be ex­  was unfair to them, particularly as traders, who
                     tremely thankful. From November onwards   had obtained a large number of mulca in virtu®
                     rabdari has cease^ to be levied, and this fact   of a big stock of sugar, were at liberty to utilis®
                     alone is one cf the first magnitude in the history   all for transporting piece-goods.
                     of the Bushire-Sbiraz road. The road is   ---- Modifications in the system of distribution
                     perfectly secure and robberies are  of the rarest | of animals have been introduced by which sugar
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