Page 431 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 431
Belgian Ir idc, with an increase of .005,103, restoration of comparative security on the trade
r0i.» (o the ihinl place, thunks to the cvcr-in- routes.
cre-?»ng demand fvr loaf sugar, and claimed Banking and Exchange.—Tho average
) i j»cr cent, of the total import trade of Bush ire. monthly rates for bank demand drafts were as
German trade showed a slight decline. follows :—
As regards exports, tlio combined proportions Per £1. Per 100 Rs
of the United Kingdom and India dropped to 1913— Kraus. Kraut.
32 lU per cent., while Singapore,* whither nearly .March 21—31 661 376
aU opium was sent in consequence of restrictive A|iril . . 6G| 351
regulations in India and China, was able to .’uiio . 67 331
cl.uM no less than H per cent, of the exports, July enj 376
the proportion being of courso much increased Angust 66} 376
September .
by tho total absence of a grain export. October . 60 373
The share of the United Kingdom and India November . GO * 376
in the aggregate value of trade at Bushire as December . GO] 3-0
giren by Customs was thus proportionately 1914— G7 352
January .
|t«$« than in any previous year on record. February . 67* zsa
March 1—20 &7* 353
iroi • . Zz percent. 19JS-09 . 70 per cent.
1S02 . . Cl - 10*010 . GS M The highest rate quoted was krans 57$ per
1C-XI . . 49 101011 . 70 r» £1 on May 21st, the lowest krans 55} on Septem
!W» • . G'. 1911- 12 . 65 ber 23rd. Tho average rate for the year works
K05 . 1912- 13 . GO 9*
l9>'-7 . : g n 191314 . 43 out at krans 56*7o per £1 and krans 37902 per
uv:->3 . 77 *• Its. 100.
• The slMir'Ii'al ts.’*ei in tin* report compiled fr^iri _ ^ During tlic period under review the course
.s returns la the*-die export to Sin.v.j .re is *1. .*vn o; foreign was thus fairly steady though
ii .:rt to Dwh It. '..•*«, Hip sUtV.ichu ot tie depart: cat
lsv'._: apparently teen u^Icran illu>:vn as regards flic status high, the 'all iz the rate generally aWdated
cf ;!.st port. It has z.z\ Iron thought advisable to alter the with the wheat s:-a:oa not taking place, in consc-
which arc ivowo£v copies ol cuitoms returns. Tho quecce of the failure of the harvest.
»!i-? of the Hritlsb Ki.;ire in expor’s wxt thus really 74 per
«2\ xsJ in the te'-U trace of the pert 07*3 per cent. Average rates of exchange in recent years
have been:—
New Customs Premises.—Considerable pro Per £L Per 103 Rs.
gress was made with the erection of the new 19^6-07 . 05*50 374 45
ciu-.-juis premiss during the year. ^ 1907-08 . 81*25 341 18
l'AS-09 . 6151 * CG.-93
Cast: as Receipts in the Gulf Porte. 1309-10 . 6615 37**7
Gross customs revenue for the Southern 1910- 11 . 64 60 307 75 -
frounces at 55 krans to the £1 has been as 1911- 12 . 64*10 3*2*92
1912- 13 .
follows:— 1913- 14 . GG-76 379 62
The bank discount rates for bills on Shiraz
1911-12. 1912-13. 1913-14. bought in Bushire during the last two years have
been : —
£ £ £ March 21
Ptn-L*»r Abbas Province . 34,153 28,190 33,763 26—30 days’ sight 2
tail-re 87,730 69,303 62,230 April 4 99 m *
Arablitxa m 53,512 47,377 54,225 m 30 •• 1
Jane 6 99 n
I 130,395 I 164.870 175,203 October 5 » r, U
There is a general increase in the receipts of December 31 99 99
-10,173 in spite of a fall in the Busbire receipts 1913— ft
February 1
(*f over £7,000. The falling off in the Bushire 19 m 99 j*r
receipts waB due almost entirely to reduced im 18 99 ft
ports of cottons and tho complete absence of a JOM 19 99 99 *
wheat export. Decrease in revenue under these September 21 H m U 1
two heads was £3,947 and £2,010 respectively, October 21 99 99 1ft
~hCe opium yielded an increase of nearly £1,000. 1914-
The increase at Bandar Abbas is attributed Jaaoary 10 35 days’ date 1
to improved conditions consequent upon tho March 18 «* m l i