Page 434 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 434
OrIGIN OP I.MPORTS. \ Shiraz conM supply Busliirc and wi*u
The f llowinu tablo #hnw« the total number j y<*,irs/J** ,coa*tarl district l,l5
of pnoWo. of \ arioui art Wo* landed by all ! r T'k dr1fen‘U,,tI. fot con,!
steamer, at Rmbirc £££ *“ Iu'lia 'vIlloh now suW>,,es ,l •» far
From | From Total Goods destined for ilio ini mediate hintcrlar 1
Aaiclri. Kur;e and cr rid pelage*. , of Bushire are sent ri\t Shief, a small port <,r
AtrcHca. Ic-lia. | rather landing place (for it only has two tumble*.
! down houses) on the mainland about three hours*
224,652 • Fa^ ^roin Bushire. The Shief route is favoured
Scear . 210,552 13,*0
•by muleteers, Burasjun being reached in 0„«
Tc» 10 5.G72 C.CS3 1 stage, while, hy the hud or authorised route
j Burasjun is the second stage, from Bnshir?
Spicci ... 6,126
: This route however is not authorised for ||,c
Rico . 37,403 37,-too j transport of goods destined for places on tile
main road beyond Humsjun, though there ran
Fleur ... 115 15,293 15,713
i he little doubt that much merchandise is re-for-
Colton pirev-good* 17,099 5.CG4 22.1G3 warded thence to Shiraz.
„ y am and thread 100 314 504
Candlci . . 711 2,746 3.467 f 3 o
63,596 i a 'fi
Kcroncne C3.S95 1 i.
Articles. 3 :s
Block tin CSl CS1 I I i 1 1
Ciji^r i!acj. 260 2.11b 2,335 ; E fi •I
Iren Kan . . 205 | 3.007 3,212 • £ £ H
Gin wr arc . . 217 1 174 721 Tons. Tors. Tons. • Ton*.
Loaf sc/sr . ?,t\n 8,565 2,816 1.0" 3
Window :'ui tCS 46 914 Cr\staliagsr . 2p25 P3S 1.067 3«*3
T« i . 170 293 7 3*
Hardware, cuarr.elwarc Sjucc* 174 153 51 27*
lampwaje, cuilcrr, etc. 146 379 525 Rice 2.71G 676 4V)
Fl,-ur 1,402 10 11 125
E&rtlicnwu* SIS 203 1,051 Wheat 391 115 78
barley 264 52 H
J-tctiir:»* . 5 973 978 Pieco-g^Is (cott« n) 1,501 1.920 4S7 to;
Tarns and tbri-w
Habcrd/ukjrj 890 SCO t fc<’tt.«n) 1S1 146 22 1
j Jut** tissues and jam G3 9 i:
M!scellace-“s, inclsding ■ Match** . 130 S5 4 1
military store* . 11,569 40,500 £2,729 • Kcrosove . 229 112 173 12-.-5
Metil* (block tin, etc.] 453 195 9 y
Total package* 307,636 J 135,055 : 412,691 Chinaware, cartlt nwar 99 48 21
Gla.v>«xre . 24 14
Distribution of Imports.—In the table Window glaa* . not 18 not 1C 30 7
Habcrdijhtrj .
bvlow an attempt is made to trace the distribu ibo«n shown
tion of these irajorta. The columns showing the Candle* . 51 M 8 i: I
tvtal cleared from the customs, transhipment to j £Jcm5cal Product* G6 93 16 ... I
coast ports and forwardings rut Shief are com- io<Kgo I 33 25 -I
piled frr*m easterns statistics and arc reliable. Forage (military) 53
The column showing forwardings to Shiraz, I Coal and charcoal 446
however, only represents the business of the MhcSLaeou? ! 1,623 269 62
leading merchants who have supplied the inform
ation, and is in no way exhaustive. Total Too* 23,614 7,185 6.367 I 2581
A glance at these figares will confirm, wbat
• Local eoniomp'tins and !»• ge part of quantity forwarded
has become increasingly evident in rocent years, are smuggled good*.
r»r.. that the minor ports offer an outlet for goods f Large part of barley forwarded wai imported from coa£
brought to Bushire almost as valuable as Shiraz port*.
it«clf, especially as regaids necessaries such as 1 F.ict-n forwarded came from pyt rloa* stock*. _
J More than half of kerosene i* knglo-Pmian OR Co*-
6Ugar, rice, kerosene. There was a time when, pany*< product and ia not shown among importa.