Page 439 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 439
Other Produce.
Article. Expert, 1913*14. Local price per 124 Ibe. Exported to
Baga. Tout. Krani—t/i. Baga. Bags. Bngs.
p.ppjtw* 2, IC3 1761 22-30-8/0-10/11 India, London and Germany
1,455. 748. 200.
59 7* India.
33-33-11/3-13/10 Indian
l’iick seed 137 31!
Linseed . 2,3*5) 152 1G —30 —5/10—10/11 . Lon-1: n, India.
1,494. 8G5.
Cauuninsccd . 241 17 43-65-17/5-23/3 India and Gulf Tort*.
Aniseed . 13 1 India.
Ajsafatida C/t 4*31 2GJ India, Egypt and London.
Myrtle leave* B/t «T1 India and Calf Porta.
Bsrk • cc7 43 i Golf Porta.
Cjiilc-fi»h 71 3! India.
Masacl sheila . 411 27 k London.
ila-ond kernels 5,755 19-25-6,11-9/1 India, London, Gennv.y, New York.
Gam Insolnhle 10,503 37-42-13,0-13/3 India, Germany, London.
320 -116/4 London, New York, Germany.
Gam Tragacanth 12,123
^Caaoa 4,753
Bose water 1 India and Golf Ports.
Carboys 6,113
TRADE INQUIRIES. | no opening for railway materials, theatrical
; furniture, cable-making machinery, motor and
His Majesty’s Vice-Consol will always be j cycle accessories, machines for dxaiuage and irri-
glad to give inquirers what information and help ; gation, etc.
he can. Much time woald probably bo saved if Cheap lamps, oil cooking-stoves, cheap bed-
lcquirers would address their letters in the first j steads, boots and shoes, miscellaneous metal
place to the Commercial Intelligence Branch of | manufactures, aluminium and enamel ware etc
the Board of Trade, where the information re- are articles more likely to find a sale locally ' **
qaired i,, io many immediately available. | A liit of Britifh rirms with !e8 :/Buihire
It should be understood that this part of . and other parts of Persia is in the possession ol
Southern Persia is still in a. primitive condition j the Board of Trade, and manufacturers woald
and is quite undeveloped. There is consequently I do well to work through them.
430. F. k P. D. I