Page 442 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 442

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               Table No. a (B)__Principal Exports from Bushirc during the years 1911-12, 1912-13, and i9i3.;|

                                                 Va LU«.                 Wsionr.
                                         1911-12.  1912-13.  1913-14.  1911-12.  1912-13.  1015.11.

                                           £       £       £      Toot.   Ton*.    Toe*.
               Uonr-s and foal*            1,119    319     2GS   Not 105  No. 31  No.  21
               8bt<? and goals              177     4S6    1,943  „ 673   - 1,714   - 5.C9J
               Wheat                      85,333  21,973   2.515   14.733  3,729    3v:
               Barky                      22,989  13,734   3,153   7.278   3.573     y.i
               Other grain                 5,116   5,119   3.973    429     399     314
               D»U* .                      1,567   3.S99   2,113    297     750      371
               JUmcrrii and pistachio*    45,592  41,780  47,693    G36     533     4>;
               Rabiza                      1,984   2,110   1,300    136     133      7j
               Roiewa'.cr .                3,115   5,933   5,<03    1S9     271     223
               AiaaT^IMa •                 3,051   2,035   3,093     30      25      25
               Oiler drug*                 3,925   6,072   6,7*3    26G     272     v,:
               Goa Insoluble              21,306  23,413  14,493   1.367   1,110    YA
               Gca Trtgncanii.            73,703  72,102  76.5CS    787     699      7U
               Cotton. raw                 7,097   4,034            183      84      43
               Wod. raw .                  4.315   3,794            142     115      152
               Carpi U (woollen)          66,393  78.949  C4.553    202     208      JT4
               Opina   •   .              223,009  293,861  293,057  106    130      113
               Skin*, raw .   .           11,081  18,423  26.243    246     364      453
               Tobacco uum*s*x£*:tart4     6,434   6,117   7,311    237     210      234
               Vegetable •ubatAacca         826      62      7       9        1
               Sped* •                     8,123  20,625  17,732

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