Page 443 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 443
Tnblc No. a 'B'.—Imports from the different countries in the Port during the years
1 * 1912.13, and 19(3-141 classified according to Persian Customs.
1912-13. 1913-14. 1912-13. 1913-14.
£ JC Ton*. Tont.
jlatclid-- 764 2.364 25 72
C-.'rmsny 6 44
United Kingdom 1G4 1,179 12
Au»tris . 409 6 2
lulls . 178 4
Clint .
ToUl 1,231 4,313 40 133
473 153 No. 92 No. 39
Arms— 6 No. 1,017
lulls . CO 5.525
United Kingdom 1C 03 2 2 7
C,:lcr countries 7 2 1
F.uJiis - 18 1,501 4
Germany 3,230
Total 3,381 5,590 No. 1,515 No. 1,017
I nils . ICO 3.-63 1 21
Gi-maor 2,102 1,520 5
United Kingdom 47 03
Guier countries 13
Total 2,322 4.S57 1 25
Wood for xhUding—
In-lit . • 1.429 3,083 235 627
Russia . 515 93
C-.ucr countries 477 503 129 72
Total 1,900 4.736 414 792
Wood msnufadurtd—
Iudis . 9 184 12
Cuher countries 4
Total 9 168 12
^ood not specified 1,000 619 1,348 831
India 493 306 0 2
United Kingdom 215 156'1 2
Francs . • 167 109 2
Italy . 11 64 4
Gfrainj 103 I 62 1
Bum . 12J
Erigitxm • t
Total 991 689 11 7