Page 447 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 447

         Table No 3. (B).—Imports from tiic different countries In the Port of Bushirc during the year*
                   1912-13, and 1913-1.1, classified according to Persian Customs—contd.
                                                  1912-13.  1*1314.  1912-13.  1913-14.

                                                     t       t      Toot.   Tons.
         Other rrgftabte oils—
                                                      £9      86       3       3
             Other ctuutrics                          32      33
                                          Total      ISO      119      >       3
         Vfgc.iblesj frt«h, dried and presorted—
             India                                  1,0?1    1.11C    113     133
             United Kingdom .                         €3      33       2
             Other countries                         its      80 J     3       3
                                          Total     1,219    1,229    1*7     1SS
         Fiib : fresh, dried and preserved—
             Bahrain .
             United Kingdom    ?                      £3      398      8       CS
             Oman                                    105      93       33 L     1
             Other countries ,                        13      29                1 1
                                          Total      319      650      41      73
                                                       3       9       1       6
         L«.al sugar—
             Belgium                                4S,V**9
             France   .                             61,-03  114,627  2.1S8   I 550
             i.crmaaj   ,                           21,2.9  43.S60   2,357   2J*3
             Austria                                10,409  14,336    9.6     7o9
             Unite-1 Kingdom                                 4,191    470     207
             India .   .                                      400              24
                                                     £04      25      36       2
                                          Total    132,514  177,429  6,039   8,634
        Cirral sugar—
             Auatria   .
             Ocrccanj                               17/>34  28,117   1.101   1367
             India .                                17,971  14379    1,091    973
             Bahrain   .                            22,450  1,184    1,264     S3
             China   .                                         3
             Un;Ud Kingdom                          2-535             131
             Belgium                                 CIS              35
             Russia   .                              191              10
                                                     651              52
                                          Total     61.C20  44,183   3,704   232*
             United Kingdom
             India .   ,                             240     174               t
             Other countries                                  88     . s       1
                                                       7      18               1
                                          Total      238     270       5       S
   442   443   444   445   446   447   448   449   450   451   452