Page 451 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 451
fable 2>0. 3 (B).—Imports from the different countries in the Port of Bushlrc during the year* .
lyta-13, and 1913-14, classified according to Persian Customs—contd.
1912-13. 1913-14. 1912-13. 1913*14.
e £ Ton*. Tons.
Ilrl.ft . 8013 1-1.147 100 1G6
I riled Kingdom 3.51-1 1.056 25 7
Grmubj . 513 70S 5 6
AotrU . 147 1
Otbor coantrie* 09 119 1
ToUl 13,113 15474 130 181
pj.aei of eelto
Catc-J Kingdom .. 427,014 2,455 1,230
India ... S0.O94 547 573
G«rmany . . 8,023 44 19
TerVey . 1.12S 6 7
Ditch Indio* . S3 «
Inly . 3
Bahrain 799 6 3
Bt'gicm 103 l
Ftmice . . . 42 1
Bi.-ria . 1,0:-i 6
Austria . 31
t*u:cJ Slates of America 3
Total 51$,31-3 3::,539 3.0G4 1.S61
Velvets and ploihcs—
I ndia . , 833 956 2 2
Ciitc d Kingdom 523 219 2 1
Germany 433 244 1
Tsrkcj . . 104 39
F ranee . 47
Total 1,930 1,493 6 3
Cotton TnTles—
India . 1S3 502
1'iitcd Kingdom 1C2 136
Oilier coon tries 5
Total 345 343
India . 4
436 1 18
Woollen Tams—
Called Kingdom . 1,159 707 4 4
Germaoy . . 1,141 520 6 S
India . 231 40 1
Total 2,531 1,267 10