Page 454 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 454


                 Tabic No a (B).—Imports from the different countries in the Port of 3ush!rc during the year
                            ^ 1912-1j, and 1913-14. classified according to Persian Customs— contd.
                                                           1912-13.  1013-11.  1912-13.  1913-14.

                                                             £       £      Tom.    Tor«.
                 Ropes and Cordage—
                      India   .                               230     620      9       23
                      Other countries                         10       1       1
                                                  Total       210     e»i      10      23
                 Mercery ami Haberdashery—                           7,53.1
                      India                                  6.13S    *'0
                      United Kingdom                          131     •170
                      Turkey                                  ICO     323
                      Germany   .                             30      S2
                      France   .                                       59
                      Russia   •                              77
                      Italy .   •                             27      21
                      Other countries
                                                  Total      7,912   9.4^1
                      India .                                1,973   1.5-16     4       3
                      United Kir.glom                         433     43-1      1       2
                      Germany                                 21S     41*7              i
                      France .                                 2       35
                      Other countries                         112      51
                      Kn:sia                                   75      3-1
                      China •                                  5       21
                                                  Total      2,S20   2,939     5        S
                 Cold srstche*—
                      ludia .   ,   .                         216     113   No. 55   Xo. 23
                      United Kingdom .                        105     95       19    » 14
                                                  Total       322     233   Xu. 74  Xo. 33,
                 Silver watches—
                      India .   .   .                         99       87  Xo. 106   Xo. 52
                      United Kingdom                          06       14   m  47    . 32
                      Turkey                                   7       7    m   8    m 12
                                                  Tola!       172     103  Xo. 161   Xo. 96
                 Other watches—
                      I ndia                                  66       59  Xo. 124  Xo. 260
                      United Kingdom                          16       6       64    •9  26
                      Torkey                                   4               12
                                                  Total       76      65   Xo. 190  No. 2S6
                 Ships and hosts—
                      India                                    19      65
                      Other countries
                                                               2       1
                                                  Total       21       66
   449   450   451   452   453   454   455   456   457   458   459