Page 457 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 457

        Tub!c No. a ,B) j.- Imports front tlie different cou: tries In the Port of Bushiro during the years
                 1912-13, and 1913-id. classified accord'-g to Persian Customs—concld.

                                                 1912-19.  1913-1V.  1912-13.  19131V
                                                    £       £      Toni.   Ten*.
       To\.»cc-‘. manufactured—
            United Kingdom                          143      306      1        s
            India                                   400      2G3      1
            Other countries                          61      29
                                         Total      C27      694 |    2        2
        PveJ: Indigo—
            India                                  1.475    2,079     5        8
            German/                                2,912    1.VJI !   7        0
                                         Total     4,117    4.575     12      14
        Taint* dje* r.n-1 tarnishes—
            India                                    227     195      6        6
            UniUd Kingdom                            133     15       3
            Other ciuntrits                          42      11       1        1
                                         Total      402      221      9        6
       Veg-’-.-de auhs'aacos—                           i
            Tnrley                                   so      94       2        2
            India                                    53 |     5        1
            Oilier countries                         12       12
                                         Total       114     111      3        2
       Glass aud Crvi^alwaro—
            Itu«s’a .                               l.O.'i  1,091  I  20
            India .   .                              490     401      9       11
            Gcrn.anv                                 198     326 1    2        8 3
            Uni’ed Kingdom                           loS     191 j
            Other couutriia                          cc      85        1       1
                                         Total      2.513   2.064 j   32      24
       Wit T-ela-j—
            United Kingdom                           132     254 :
            Beljv:in                                         85 j             10 5
            India                                    51      Cl |
            Russia .                                                  2        3
                                                              6 !
                                         Total      1SJ     405 j     9       18
       Mirrors, untrained   ,
       Carriages, etc —
            India .   .                             226
            United Kingdom                          114      229
            Other couutric*                           7      99
                                         Total      347      328
            Turtle/                                29.386
            India                                  6.101   24.121
            Kowait                                 1,891    1,945
            Bahrain                                          165
                                                    827      40
                                         Total     33.066  26,261
   452   453   454   455   456   457   458   459   460   461   462