Page 455 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 455

fable No. a (B).—Imports from the different countries in the Port of IJushirc during the years
                   iy 12-iJ, and I9i3*l4, clusified according to Persian Customs—contd.

                                                   1912-13.  1913-14.  1912-13.  1913-11.
                                                     £       £      Ton*.    Tons.
         I’ljicr for printing cr writing—
                                                      GiO    1.034     18      3
              L*slu'd Kingdom                         215      82       6
              IK'rium .                                        73
             Cbiua .                                   13      45       1
             (',*•! :imny                             273      37      12
             Tmkejr                                    19      25
             Franco .                                 23       7
                                          Total      1,233   1.3C3     37      33
         Taprr csrofnoturca—
             UmUd Kingdom                             1S3     267       1       1
             lull*                                    150     171       1       2
             0:bcr coaitrio*                           1       12
                                          Total       3C9     •150      2 !     3
         rrfUL'.CTT —
             India                                    46       71
             l'i *cd KitgJotn                         OJ       31
             Franco   •                                1       25
             £uss:*.   •                              27       19
             Other countries                           2       20
                                          Total       136     ICC
            raw and dried—
             India                                   2.0 W    266      23       4
             Bahrain                                  :-7     136       2       4
             Turkey .                                 110      35       2
              Kuwait .                                23       6
             Oui&a .                                  21                2

                                          Total      2*353    443      29       8
         Toi skin*—
             Mulat                                            29
         Skins, deed and vami«hed—
             India .                                 &:3     1.789     t        s
             United Kingdom                           43      45
             Bahrain.                                         45                1
             Other coax trie*                         53
                                          Total      914     1.879     S        9
         Leather manufactures—                                                              :
             India .   .                            1.193    2.884     fi                   i
             United Kingdom                          319      696              10
             Germany                                  O5      2 28     1        1
             Terkey .                                 34      84
             Frau co .                                11      62
             Other co an trio*                        17
                                          Total     1.S39    2.944     6       11
   450   451   452   453   454   455   456   457   458   459   460