Page 459 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 459

       fflblc No. 3 R)__Exports from (he Port of Bushirc to different countries during the years
               I9I2.13, and 1913-14. classified according to the Persian Customs — cotltil.
                                                 1012-13.  1013-14.  1912-13.  1013-14.
                                                   £       £      Ton*.    To<
            Kn«*nit                                 271    2.051     48      339
            IVxhraia .                                      012              J 45
           TurVey   .                               137     131      31       23
            India                                  5.502     37     1,602     6
           Oman    .                                312      27      OS       3
           Germany                                 5.559            L205 :
            United Kingdom                         J.S13             474  :
                                        T.Ul      13,731   3,159    3,375    519
        Other grain—
            India   .                              1,3«2    1.037    1(6     173
            Rtliraia                                697     1,114    53       rs
           Gcrm-iay .                              2,212     137     176      39
           Rm>'a   .                                3S3              20
            United Kingdom                           71     1C7)      10
            China                                   171               16      34
           Other ccanlric*                     I    271    **"205 5   Id
                                        T jtal     5,119   3,073     309     314
        Hour                                        632     137      49        6
        Frer j'oos an-taamcrated .                   21       2       3
            India   .                              3,5-0   1.752     753     313
           Other icantric*                    :s     19     3C*1      3       59

                                        Total      3,509   2.113     766     371 1 and p jtachioa—              !
            India      a .
            Unit»**i Kingdom   .               ■  31,109   22.711    413     230
            United State* of America           ;   7,418             82       78
            Germaaj    .   .                                                  43
            France   .                                                        42
            Bnitra   •   .   .                              4<-9              43
            Bab til*   .   .   .                            333               4
            Other eoontrie*   .                     1G5               6       11
                                                    100       9       2
                                        Total     41,789   47.603    633     458
                                                    ITS     127       7       8
        Rail in 1 —
            India   ,
            Bahru*   .                              938     658      67       43
            Other coantria                          4-8     608      IS       25
            German j                                        224      26       U
                                                    234               11
                                         Total     2,140   1,890     131      79
   454   455   456   457   458   459   460   461   462   463   464