Page 462 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 462
Table No. 3 (B\— reports from the Port of Bushirc to different countries during the years
I9ta*lj, nuJ 1913.14, classified according to the Persian Customs—contd.
1912-13. 1913-14. 101213. 1913-ii.
£ £ Ton* To*,*.
Coltoo yam* 136 272 1 2
Tissue* of Colton—
Turkey . 710 377 4 3
Unit'd Krgdom 237 l
Unlirain . 235 228 1 1
K it wait . 10 120
Omnu . . 22 i'V ! 1 1
India . • 22
TuUl 1.017 1,017 6 6
Wool, raw—
United Kingdon 2,113 •1/03 C3 15J
India . . 1.512 075 11 23
I3itln*in . 79 2
Germany . 73 2
Kuwait 31 1
Totil 3,701 5.152 1:5 1*2
W.vdlen yarn* 102
\Vovl!> u Cnrrcti— •l !
Tu key . •11 "3 1 25.15S 97 n
HUM* . 25.710 ■ 23.210 73
Uni lid Kingdom 3.574 | I >.107 13 25
India 5,4:5 . 2,<*20 17 9
Germany . . 173 ' 2.338 8
A11 ... 714 1
Frame ... C5 ! 1 5S5 1
llalirnin 531 •111 3 2
Ku*nit . . 5:3 | 331 2 1
Ms'kat . >2 ! 107
Unite I S’iteiof A*-* erica IOJ 182
Aden 22C- •15 3
Oman . . . 179 34
Russia ...
Total 75.919 1 Gl,.7*8 203 201
Tissue* of pure wool ecs •155 1
Indian -hawl* ... 14
Tissne* of pure *ilk 141 76
Ti*sncs of wool nr I'd witli cvtlon 10
Sil.or and gold tlJ evi . 40 1
Tissue* not apecim-d 93 10 15
Mercery and baberiasbery 129 2
Rope*, etc. . 125 9 14
Furniture not ipccifel . 7
Article of Art 49 36
Opium —
Dutch Indie* 116
United Kb gdom 168.1'”.3 218.691 14 11
China . 29 10
India . . 62.-36 21.056 1 1
Egypt . 2,455
Bahrain • 20 436
Kuwait .
Japan . . 17 4
3.9:0 2
Total 293,361 295.687 130 13*