Page 467 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 467
No. 1157, dated Bushiro, the 2nd (received 13ih) July 1910. flrv
From—Major A. P. Trevor, C.I.E., Deputy Political Resident, Persian Gulf,
To—The IIok'dle Mr. A. II. Grant, C.S.I., C.I.5., Foreign Secretary to the
Govorument of India in the Foreign and Political Department, Simla.
I have the honour to submit to you the Trade Report for Bushirc for the
Persian year March 21st, 1911 to March 21st, 1915, -which has been written by
Mr. II. G. Chick, Commercial Adviser, etc., which lias been sent to His
Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs under cover of my
despatch No. 9 of 1st July 191(5, a copy of which is also enclosed.
A further copy has been sent to His Majesty’s Minister in Tehran.
Enclosure No. 9, dated Busliire, the 1st July 1916.
From—Major A. P. Trevor, C.I.E., Acting Consul-General, Bushire,
To—The Right Honourable Sir E. Grey, Bart, K.G., M.P., Ilis Majesty's
Principal Secretary of State for Foreigu Affairs, Foreign Otlice, London.
I have the honour to submit to you the Trade Pioport for Bushire for the
Persian year March 21<t, 191*1 to March 21st, 1915, which has been written by
Mr. H. G. Chick, Commercial Adviser and His Majesty’s Yice-CousuL
Owing to the heavy local work which has fallen to Mr. Chick as a result
of the rebellion in Southern Persia and hostilities against us in this neighbour
hood, the completion of this report has been unavoidably delayed.
Copies arc being sent to the Government of India and to His Majesty’s
Minister in Tehran.