Page 469 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 469
Introduction.................................................. X
Condilhcs nfTcctlCjj t!.c Trade of tho Port in 1911*15 L
Volume of Trade ...... ‘2
Comparl*?n of Trade........................................ 2
CubIoi:.! Receipt* :a the Gulf Polls 3
Exchange ....... 3
Rainfa'l............................................................ 1
Public ;:?-llh .... . . •1
Transp::; on Busbar-Shinz Road . •;
Coinj’:v*-.-a with tri-’ic on other routoj ^Imports) 5
Traffic <^-;ngM;ir:i 1914-15 . 5
3Iu!c-hLre Bushire-Shiraz .... 5
Distribution of Inserts by Busbire . . . 5
Shipp’tg . 6
Fi eights G
Cotton P!>^:*goodj 7
Statistical Tables . o 8-45