Page 474 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 474

       r          method. T.arg-lv to this reason must bo attri- 191-1-15, for tbc first time, exports from Bushire
                  bnteil tbc grift'.lv decreased import of Piece-goods , were <.f greater value than the imports::; to it, ar.*l
                  to Bushiro frimiAu^u.-: 1914 to March 1913, as the imports from and exports to tbc Uuitvd
                  c-nnparod with similar periods in previous . Kingdom and India roughly balanced,
                  years:—                                Secondly, the credit system of dealing with
                                                       Persian clients almost ceased to operate.
                        1012-13   1013-14  1014-15
                         Tons      Ton«    Ton«                   Volume of Trade.
       i                 2.G74    1,112    659           Tbc total value of Imports and Exports since
       j            On the other band, the closing of tbc Darda­  1902 is given below converted at the average
                  nelles-Bat on m route for the largo market for Tea   rates of exchange between tho Kranymd pound
                   which exists in Northern and Central Persia   sterling adoped for thoso years.
                  brought the supply of Tea to Persia back chiefly
                  to the Persian Guff ar.d Busbire, the import for    Imports.    Exports.
                  the year COO tons being thrice as largo in
                  previous years.                                       £            £
       i            Similar reasons operated in the cases of Spices,   1902  1.179,996   3*3,202
                  though this commodity is lo?s important, the   1903  8 70.603    366,666
                  import for the year rising from 115 and 173-   1901  S 59,825    4-54,031
                  tons to 315 tons-
                                                          1905         701,933      409,980
                    The demand for Persian Opium received a   1903*07 (Jtxrch)  873,342   593.421
                  great fillip, doubtless connected with the supply   1997-08  1,032,013   497.990
                  from Smyrna being interrupted bv the War with
                  Turkey and though the number (J. tons exported   1903-09  703,465   432,596
                  rose only from 18$ to £ SO tons, it is noteworthy   1900-10  717,091   409,992
       :                                                               675,014
                   that, owing to the high prices prevailing, Bushire   1910*11    31 >,950
                  exported nearly half a million pounds worth of   1911- 12  933,531   €09,020
                  Opium during March 1914-15. Incidentally, the   1912- 13  951,720   €37.091
                  value of exports from Bushire, otherwise consider­  1913- 14  825,767   01-765
                  ably reduced all round, rose to the highest figure   1914- 15  609,339  719,171
                  for more than a decade.
                    Severance of connections with the Constan­  Though higher prices and values produced the
                  tinople, Smyrna and Vienna markets, the greatly   above cot unsatisfactory rosnit, the tonnage of
                  reduced demand in Egypt and the United States,   both Imports aud Exports decreased however
                  and cessation of business by buyers iu inland   very substantially:—
                  Persia belonging to enemy nationalities caused a
                  slump of the export of Persian carpets, and         Imports.    Exports.
                   exports came down to .£27,024 for the period
                  under review, as compared with £7S,9J9, and          Tons        Tons
                   £G4,5SS in 1912-13 and 191S-14 respectively.
                                                           1908-09     16,981       6,400
                    Despite however the altered conditions imposed   3909-10  16,404  6,016
                   on Bushire trade for more than half the year                     9.339
                  under report, and the lowest value for total export   1910-  11  13,879
                   for 12 years past, the aggregate import and   1911- 12  16.597  2S.034
                  export trade was valued at £1,38$,510 a decrease   1912- 13  19,712  13,776
                  of less than £40,000 on that for 1913-14.  1913- 14   23,614      6,609
                                                           1934-15     18,041       6,723
                    Two further results of 6 months of war on the
                  Trade of Bushire in 1914-15 deserve mention.
                  The great preponderance of the value of the   Comparison of Trade.
                  import trade over that of the export trade with
                  Southern Persia has frequently been commented   The proportion of Great Britain and India and
                  on with dissatisfaction in past years: Persia  was  Colonies aggregated 78,94 per cent of the whole
                  becoming more and more indebted to us. In  value of Irapoit trade: and 80-20 per cent of the

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