Page 476 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 476
T! *rc wa« a very marked rise in discount J Rain did not fall i:i sufficient quantities, and
on S:.iniz tills ns cowjared with j revioui , in timely conditions, from February till April
1 1015, wlicn it was particularly needed, with the
2530 Pnt« result that the harvest throughout tho JBushire
region of the littoral was one of the poorest on
1912. days fight. 1914 35 days, record, while in some districts there was not
per cent. per cent. sufficient grain to mako reaping profitable.
March 21 «t . 2 January ICth 1 This result, following the insufficient, harvest of
April 4th 1 January i7th 3$ 191-land war conditions, forced the prices of
Juoefth 1J March 15th 24 Krans and more in tho months following the
i 1 wheat, up to 30 Kruns per cwt., and barley to
! October 5th . 1 April lS:h 2 licriod under report thereby inflicting great
Deceit '-er 31st 1 May 7th
Hardships on the poorer classes of tho region.
May 21 rt 21 Public Health.
February 1st . 1 May 24th 3 There was no case cf plaguo reported in the
February 19th Par June 7th 21 year 1014-15. The total number of deaths
2 May lS-.b 1 July 15th 2 recorded from all causes, occurring in Bushiro
! June li”h 1 October 21st Si' town and environs, compared with previous years
JuneCrtb 1 Novotnher l’ith 2«* as follows. (The population is stated to he about
1S 000)
September 21 rt lj November 20th 3«
i Pbgue. Other Total
OctoK-r 21st . 1J Dcoember I9th 31' causes, deaths.
1909- 10 965 965
• At 25 days' Cite.
1910- 11 45 037 633
1911- 12 119 559 713
I Rainfall. 101213 073 513 1,196
i 1911-12 1912-13 1913-14 1911-16 1913- 14 25 5CO 625
Jluches. Inches- Inches. Inches. 1914- 15 436 436
March 21-31 302 0*14 004 Transport on Bushire-Shiraz Road.
April G07 0-55 0C2 081 A careful record, kept by the Forwarding
May 002 Department of the Local Government enables
Notfc-icr. 3*77 ... 201 32S the following comparison of transport animals
Dcctn.hrr . 1-96 1 13 4-43 MS leaving BusLire to be made with the year 1913-
January . 3 29 3\6 1-19 0-43 14, and an estimate formed of the weight of
Fcbiu&ry . 0-39 I;’ 244 0-77 imports conveyed up-country to Shiraz and
March :o 20th 0-10 0*:S 0C2 2-42 Kazaiun in average years:—
12-CO 613 10-52 889 Month. Mules. Donieys.
1913-14 1914-15 1913-14 1914-15
March 21-31 66 516 3.701 4.777
The rainfall for the seasons October to May April • 6,319 476 3,587 3,223
ha6 been in the past 10 years:— May ljC-31 1,567 1,197 2,038
June o 2,039 2,156 309 3.597
Inches. July 2,511 1.677 1,036 6,060
1902-03 10-86 August . 1,925 1,698 3,621 7,190
1906- 07 8-94 September 22218 2,090 1,401 2,537
1907- 0*8 6-92 October . 2,212 1,707 1,063 201
1908- 09 6-41 November 535 2,102 889 163
1909- 10 16-32 December L538 1,973 338 257
1910- 11 2029: January . 2,364 1,801 674 1,319
1911- 12 9-90 February 906 1,350 1.255 1.5W
1912- 13 6-07 March to 20th 1,569 2,052 3,491 7,568
1913- 14 11-55 26.053 21,195 22,668 39.441
1911-15 * 10-99