Page 480 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 480


                 Table No i.A—1Comparative statement of Imports into Bushirc from all countries during the
 s                                       vears 1912-13, 19*3-M anJ ,9M*,5»
                                                        Increase in Decrease in   Approsimate per cent.
                                                         1911-16  (  1914-15
                     Country.   1012-13.  1913-1».  1914-13.  compared compared
                                                          with i with     1913-1L  1914-16.
                                                         1913-14. < 1913-14.

                                  £        £       £        £       £

                 India .        213,333  2G5.13G   331,517  09,331 >         32*14    5003
                 United Kingdom   4*3.653  252, f61   '  193,701   5S,917    3060     28-94
                 Belgium         49,864   115,027   j   3S,«>20    77.007    13 93     5G8
                 Franco .        52,833   45,336   ,   35,774       9,502     5-49     6 31
                 Germany         66.921   49,937   :   23.S23      20,113     5-93     431
                 Bahrain          2.981   2,236 :   1 l.Sr9  9.613 .          0-27     1-78
                 Turkey          3 5. ISO j  32,026   ,   7.C03    25,613     395      105
                  Austria-Hungary   27,537  32.P3S   •'   4,911  !  27,997    399      0-74
                              i       I
                 America •        C.523   1,353    3,770   2,112 ;  • ••  1
                  llongkorg vChir.a).   9,514  .  7,171   j   2,403  5,063    1-38
                              ;       :                         ■
                 ilailat          U12 :    706     2,cos   1,339 j        l
                 Kuwait           2,127  I  650 :   1,712  1.062 '       J
                              t                .
                 Dutch ladies    10,963 ;  10,790  1,7:3            9,037     1-31
                 Oman .            259      65 :   1,491   1,428                       214
                                      i        ■
                 Russia •        13.021  1  8,340 I   731           7,009     1*01
                 Italy .           57     1.078     333              745
                 Aden •             1       68  ;   91       23
                 Japan .           33        3      17       14
                 Other countries    9        .1                        1          IJ

                                951.720  825,767 •   609,329  S3,320  211,743  100-00  100-00



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