Page 477 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 477

Comparison with Traffic on other routes   A very rough estimate of the tonnage tlm»
                      •Imports).              curiod can bo oM.rit.od by calculating the average
                                              1- ad uf a mule (from thopcrls) as 3*20 !bs., donkey
           It is of interest (o compare the above   •2'jQ lbs. and camel lbO lbs.
        r. umbers of transport animals carrying loads fiom
        [lushire to Shiraz (and Kazarun) with those   Mule-hire liusIiirc-SIiiraz.
        working oa the other principal routes of South
        and Central Persia. In the case of the Ah was   The Forwarding Department of the local
        re-ad, the figures for trafnc reaching Isfahan, Government and the Committee of Bushire Trad-
        whioli mar be considered reliable, as they re- jr g Merchants continued to regulate rates of hire
        j .’c^ont the number of laden animals crossing the throughout the period under review, with satis-
        G\:dar bridge upwards, unfortunately do not factory results in effecting reductions in the hire
        cover the months of December to March j j thus preventing any undue inflation of prices
        •20th, for last two of which the Ahwaz road \,v niulelecrs. A principal item of their endea-
        wus greatly disturbed, and Ahwaz i:*)clf yours was to stimulate the d< nkeymen to work on
        more or  less evacuated by the triuing the main caravan roads by offering a constai.t
        community, owing to the fighting between, the cUpply 0f goods and fixing a liberal hire for
        British and Turkish forces in the vicinity. It donkeys in order by this means to adjust the
        rr. iy he assumed that there was little traffic deficiency of mules, which as will be seen from
        between Abwaz (and Isfahan in that period.   (he above table, has become acute on all Southern
                                              and Central Persian roads during the past few
               Traffic during March 1914-15.   years. Iu this, it will be observed, they achieved
                                              a measure of success impossible under the old
                                              haphazard method of foiwarding; and dopile
                      Cixtli. M     nr.Miit*.
                                              e-unplaiuts on other grounds by some forwarders
        ::n Bosh!;; :o Shirax ...   21.1-3 30,40  «.-£ piece-goods, more than justified the system of
                                              v.itrol, as a whole. Never previously had so
        rrv.i Abnazl; lifjhaa  W&t 10.H*      many donkoymen regularly plied for traffic on
        *7 S’lirai d'.r.ctio 0 to  7,033  3.:t: l.SCc «A   rro-  1 the caravan route to Shiraz.
 (arr> Lsj.         ;-r:;on :• .-at pro-
                                •    ltd ;Uces  The following were the rates of raule-hire from
                                   I* fittrl.
                                              Busbire to Shiraz for It 0 mans t?3G lbs.) of
           riami-tsr to Isfahan 21,528  2.CS2  1,231
         vriral-.).                           piece-goods. (Rates for sugar and other articles
        F—ai Eavltr A'b a. to 7,315   n 1  8^*;0 ' Rather  'it per   are obout 20 krans higher, and donkey hire was
          ."nan (Oi';*txrca).     ’ r-niter*  left  cheaper.)
                                  . Baa Car AMaa
                                  • f3r La.% 5:rjan.
                                  > etc. 'i.Cif.t local   1912-13.   1013-14. 1311-15.
                                  J t;aTc;S-i: ome
                                  I SKIS.'SUE             Krans.   Krans. Krans.
        Frva Iltritr Abbas to 3,733   l.KO J «e.  Xnrh      3i0     290   240
         Tazd (depmerza).
                                              April .       250   320—2>0  210
                                              fS.:          310           2l0
        Ttr.ta Taid Jo Iafahaa 3,206   19   319             310     250
         (irririls).                          July .   .   3 SO—460  250  240
                                              August   . 420 -480-500  150  200
                                              September* .          250   150  all
          •Th ic«e   compare «.th the fcBs-s-jog for March I3U-14 of           mer­
         Camels 2,0S1; mules 2,G25; donkeys 1,G40                              dise.
        and thus represent a considerable increase.  O-iobor   440—420   250  170
                                              Ko> ember .   3J.»—120  270  170
         Traffic by mules, it will be noticed, predomi­  I’ocomber .   300  270  170
        nates on tiie Busbire-Shiraz, and Abwaz-IsEhhan   January   3 >0  270  180
                                              February .
                                                            3 O
        routes : by camels on the Mamadan-Isfihan and   Alxrcb  290  270  1*0
        Shiraz-Isfaban routes: and donkeys supplv a
        flo'mfho °Lt ^SCh"e.|uirCeAr^!            Distribution of Imports by Bushire.
        I-ffaban and Bandar Abbas-Kirman, Yazd, c’c. In the previous report (No. 5430) a table wu
        Ira (lie bv the Bush ire-Shiraz route was far  given showing the approximate tonnage of \m-tU,
        heavier than on anv other; this road was there-  ported <£oods. («/) Forwarded toSbinz and£</£/7-;^
        fore in 191-4—15 still the most important of any  Kazarun bv the main caravan route, (6) Tran-xJ?*
        for commerce from the Persian Gulf.   shipped to various Persian coastal ports, (c) Sent   ~ '
          149 f. * P. D.
   472   473   474   475   476   477   478   479   480   481   482