Page 479 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 479

For shipm-nt c: grain early in November   The va7ue of (he imports of the same classes
        101 V, 2$ shillings j-;r ton were quoted.  of cotton* were declared as:—
                                                                  Total.  gooi*.
                  Cotton Piccc-gcods.                                £     £
                                                1909-0?         .  366,952  293/01
         Tlic following table gives the aggregate im-   19o9-13  .   256.739  1G4.5SJ
                                                                   279,797  2*20,9*1
       j>orfs of Piece-goods, classed by the Customs as   - 1910-11  .   4*23,972  331.6S3
       tissues of cotton, Colton Tulles, other tissues of   1912- 14  .   52-5,806  431.CSS •
       cotton (plushes, etc.) aud tissues of cotton and   1913- 11  .   327,270  232,620
       Wool mixed —                             1914- 13        .   267,170  171.524
                                               As staled in the earlier part of this report,
                   Fr.*n    Fr«-.m   From
            Year.  United .   Ii.dia.  all countries.  conditions of sea-transport between the United
                 Kingdcca.'                  Kingdom and the Persian Gulf brought about by
                                             the war were largely responsible for the continued
                   To: K.   To i s.  Tons.
                                             decrease 1911-15; for there was a good demand
          1908-09  1,73-4    428     2,263   in both the Bushire and Shiraz regions. The
          ic«9-:o  1.029     SSI     1,836   import from India remained steady, as sta
                                             transport between India and the Gulf was little
          lyio-il  1,359     •107    1.800   afr-.cted in the first months of the war.
          1911- 12  1,574    612     2,526     The following table is compiled from informa­
          1912- i3   2.47 3  551     3,083   tion sup:lied by all merchants of standing in
                                             B jshire. It is not exhaustive, nor is the classi­
          1913 11   1,25*    579     1.SS2   ng ;T ion always correct; but it enables a compari-
          1914-15  i/.«:*i   C15     1,633   so:: to be made :—
                    List of pieces of each class of piece-goods imported in :—
                                      lS'iv-lO.  :?10-ll.   2911-12.  1912-13. . 1913-1L  1911-15.
       Wh:.*e ar.d Cz:-v Goods —
          Mesica:* TiS }arc*'                          17,120 ;   29,2'5   43,259  25,972
             »   :-o ., . ) .   -   -   15,250  7.SS9  6.626   14,814   1.426  1,305
          Whit-s &zm. Grey s.v.rting .  36,197  35.129  43,212 i   58.6-3   46.026  42,063
 - M-.l s   .   .        15.763  39, *04   66.977 j   76,525   39,1-16  47,234
            n         .                 2-3,722  39,240   40 2I2   64,953   10.467  20,702
          C rubric*, drills ‘“Ills and lawns  £4,051  11.340   12.246   35,771   17.6o8  9.013
          WhteG—e  .   .   .   .         1,518  2 5,1'.'7  15,769  5,173  13.491  5,250
       Coloured goods—
          Prints, f-*t red, discharge asteri, laxsth,   45,914  142.9S5 j  157.C52  138,963  86,703  51/184
           fancy, i*.c.
          Black ar.d White prints ....  7.S17   3,067 ,   6,273  29.-W6   23,901  2.1-42
          Data hr* ’also clawed ns prints)  37,128  19,961 1   18,184 1  85,SOS   (*3,859  22,021
          Black Twills ......             384  13,735 \   10,369 j  29;'46   10,422  13,729
          F.ed an-1 Purple Twills ....  17.162  14,275 i   62,430  G-1.1S4  16,795  31,140
                     Hull....................................  13,217  6,550 i   25,840  14,334   1,574  6.857
          Black Mobs’" .                               9.S29   7,559   6.319  9.619
              and Djcd Ilali uns .      2,662   4.142  4.59S   7,111 i   11,030  6.125
          Crimps ......                 9,078  13,551  21,459   35.015   16,3.9  14,223
          Jtf uslin% lesos, etc. .   .   .   .  3.140  23,103  25,516  15.350 j  486  14.000
          Black and Grey DAIla, Gauze, etc.         i  jrjj < C37  692  597  1,224
          Sateens. A!?<cai .   •        T.962   4,149  21.219   7,993  5,507  1.153
          Broca d/s   .   .   •   .   •                1.422  2,617    131    743
          Coatings   .                             j          4,326   4,610  3.664
          hliectLarccue .               19,978  17,082  10.700  36,076  64,135  73.580
          Chocolate Print!   .                                               15342
          Purple Print*   ....                                               3,926
          Black Gauze........................................                10.669
                          Total Piccei  250,876  413,303  660,113   764,238  4S3.401  434,129
                                                           H. G. CniCK,
                                                             Coinmercial Advicer.
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