Page 484 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 484
Tabic No. a-(A).—Principal Imports into Bushtre from all sources during the years 1912-13,
1913-14 and 1914-15-
Valui. Wsjonr.
1912-13. 1913 11. 1911-13. 191213. 1913-14. 1911-15.
£ £ £ Ton*. Tor.*. Toth.
Ma'chca . 1,251 4,313 3,313 40 ISO 62
Arns • • 3,381 5.590 j 2,131 1,515 1,017 3.059
C ut ridge* 2.322 4 857 j 6.S59 1 23 55
Vox! for building 1,906 1,736 3,772 414 792 CS3
WojJ not spec* fi ad 1,000 G19 1.017 1,348 831 1,501
Wine* 991 089 3S2 11 7 4
Whisky an! Spirit* 1,300 1.415 1,243 15 IS 13
Feer, cte. . 4SS 023 * 273 21 30 13
2,190 . I
Candle* S.779 4,594 ] : 199 51 93
C-. \\ and clarcoal 1,021 2,311 2,33) 302 416 453
Eutter 8S3 439 1 261 10 4 2
Kice 10,503 32,392 ! 21,190 1,405 2,716 2.773
Fi* ar . 2,101 14.4-18 3,855 1S3 1,402 1,366
Wheat 142 3,392 217 24 391 43
Utrlej . « 325 1,703 03 234
Cther gr.iin . 1,913 2.333 1.971 131 210 192
Lent rugar • 132,814 177,429 83.633 j 6,039 8.631 4,017
Crystal and eoft sngar 61,620 44,183 56,801 ! 3,701 2,925 2,911
Tea 20.287 23.733 70,171 220 170 0)0
Drugs and Medicine* • 5,610 0,039 4,156 • M
Spice* • 7,172 8,909 17,505 j 115 174 315
Clothing .... 4,850 7.859 4.311 4 10 3
Kerosene oil .... 7,653 2,276 3,SCO i 772 229 424
Iron and steel in bars. etc. 1,506 7,830 1,829 : 107 208 170
Iron and at eel manufacture* • 3,058 5,811 5,724 98 123 107
Tin, lead and zinc in bars, blocks, etc. 2,937 6,932 4.531 j 33 38 29
Copper and nickel in bar*, plates, etc. 1,828 8,091 8,156 ; 16 79 96
Gold ar.d silver manufacture* • 460 635 4S3