Page 488 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 488

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                    Tnblc No. 3-A.—Imports from the different countries in the Port of Bushirc during the years
                            ' 1913-14 nnd 1914-15, classified according to the Persian Customs  :•nid.
                                 Dcsrrij lion of gecds.     1013-14.  1011-15.  1013-11.  101H5.

                    Wood manufactured—                        £        £      Tons.    Tons,
                       India                                            2C8      12        7
                       Oiler countries                           4

                                                   Total       183      20C |    12 |      7
                    Wood not specified                         G19     1.017     S31    1.3C4
                                                               300      1G3       3
                       India                                                               L
                       United Kingdom                          156      100                1
                       Fiance                                  109      G3                 1
                       Belgium .                                        25                 l
                       Masqat                                            19       4
                       Germanj .                                52       12
                       Italy                                    51
                       Russia                                   12
                                                   Total       659      3S2       7        4
                                                                                     and Bottles
                    Brandy, nhisly and spirits of win<
                       Unit el Kingdom                        1/08      423      13        6
                       India .   •   .   .                     173      257                2
                       France .   .   . V                      158      279       5        4
                       Ituss'a ....                             54      175                2
                       Germany ....                           • 13      27
                       Other countries                          9       58

                                                   Total      1.415    1,243     18 |     14
                       Germany .                               415      154      20        7
                       United Kingdom                          136      73        7        4
                       India .                                  14      38     •H          1
                       Other countries .                        68      10        1        1

                                                   Total       (23      276      30       13
   483   484   485   486   487   488   489   490   491   492   493