Page 493 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 493

       Tabic No. 3-A.—Imports from the different countries In the Port of Btishirc during the years
                  1913-1.1 and 1914-15, classified according to the Persian Customs—cen-'-f.
                    Description of Goedv        1913-11.  191115.  1913-U.  1911-15.

                                                  £        £      Tons.    Toes.
       Soft and Crystal sugar—
          India                                   1.1 81  42,586     So     1.093
          German/  .   .                         11379     4,553     073     313
          A uft Ha   .   .                       25,117    •1,207  1,8*57    30-3
          United Kingdom                                   2,747             1W
          Bahrain  .                                3      2,610             127
          Knwait   ,   .                                     6
                                      Total      •14,153  06.SOI   2,923    2.914
          Unite I Kingdom                          174      S3        3        1
          India                                     53      33        1        1
          Otter countries                           13      133       1        3
                                      Total        270      290       5        5
          India                                   7.001   61,673     57      536
          Hocguong (China)                        6.-4S7   2,011     40       12
          Dutch Indie*                           13,0-13   1,703     71       15
          Bahrain ,                                        1,526              15
          Other countries                          193      213       2        2
                                      Total      23,733   70,161    170      600
       Heat, dried. Saltod and preserved—
          India «...                               140     207        1        Z
          United Kiogd-.m                          267      183       2        2
          Other countrief .                        19       70        3
                                      Total        423      462       5        4
       Drega and Medicine*—
          India                                   4,033    3,004
          UniU-d Kingdom                          1*339     693
          Gorman/ .                                266      310
          Other co on trie*                        401      144
                                      Total       6X89    4,156
   488   489   490   491   492   493   494   495   496   497   498