Page 496 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 496
Tabic No. j.A.—Imports from ihe different countries In the Port of .Bushirc during the years
lyij.j | a ini 1914 >15. classified according to the Persian Customs—confj.
Description of Good*. 1913-1U 1011-15. 1913-1L 191-4-15.
£ £ Tons. Toni.
1 in, lead and Zine manufacture* . 20 G7
and Nickel in Ws, etc.—
2,01 G 6.576 23 70
United Kingdom
4,132 1,924 io 21
273 123 4 1
Other ecantric* .
Total 6.722 7,023 73 92
Cf: p.T and Nickel uunnfwtnrc*—
ludia .... 629 507 1 4
Russia 712 9 2
Other ccentries . 7 17
To:;«l 1,3'3 533 6 l
Al::..;nium Yanufactcrcs—
ludia 333 200 2 2
Other czantrioa 35
Tctal 333 295
Coil and Silver manufactures—
Gerroicj . 238 317 • ••
India 2(9 123
Other ccautrics . s 70 18
Total 535 488
Pre-dou* stones—
India 37 9
Stases worked and onworked 7 9
Alls-cral prcdacta not specified—
India 211 5,368 83 657
Other countries 295 237 474 292
Ttial 506 6,C05 656 949