Page 497 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 497

       Table No. 3..A.—Imports from the different countries in tfic Port of Bushirc during the years
                 1913-14 and 1914-15, classified according to the Persian Customs—

                   Description rf Goo^iu       1013-11.  1911-13.  192 Ml.  2911-15.
                                                 £        £       Tens.    Todj.
       Cotton, raw                                 121     128        2        4

       Cotton Tarns—
          India                                  11,147   13,777    163      1S3
          United Kingdom                          1,036   2,476       7 i     12
          German/ .                                705      33        6 I
          Austria                                  147      61        1 :
          Other countries                          119       2        1

                                      Total      10.171   16,319    1S1 ,    195

       Tissues ,£ colte s—
          United King'om                        238,704  165,035   1.250     95 :•
          India                                  53,377   90,'.'71  373 ;    012
          Germany .                               3,394   1,505      19        9
          Bahrain                                  315     459        3        3
          Turlcey                                 1,231    357        7        *2
          France                                   160     31C        1 ;      1
          Italy                                    464     153        3        1
          Belgium .                                192      50        1
          Other countries                          C89      25        4

                                   Total        320,659  261,950   3,301    1,617
       Telvets and Plushes —
          Germany                                 244      335              • ••
          United Kingdom                          249      *261      1
         India                                    966      216       2        2
         France                                            101
         Other countries                           30       55

                                  Tutal          1,493     993       3        2
   492   493   494   495   496   497   498   499   500   501   502