Page 501 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 501

rablo No. 3-A.—Imports from the different countries in tlic Port of Bushirc during the years
                  1913-14 and 1914-15. classified according to the Persian Customs—contd.

                      Diocpij/lira of G»ls.      1912-11.  1914-15.  1913-14.  1014*15.

                                                    £       £       Tons.    Ton*.
         Mrrc. ry and Haberdashery—
            India                                   7,530   6,382
           United Kingdom                            9S0     756
           Ginns/                                    325     160
           Tuikcj                                    176      90
           Franco                                    82       68
           Italy                                     24       22
           Oiler countries ,                         81       35
                                        Total       9,104   6,503

           India                                    J.S46   1,075       5        3
           Unhid Kingdom                             454     G28        2        1
           Germany                                   4‘.'7   450        1
           France                                    65       C3
           Auiiiia                                            50
           Bahrain                                   19       31                 1
           Other countries                           87       33

  (                                     Total       2,958   2,935       8       5
         Gold watches—
           German/                                            80           So. 12
           India                                     143      21   No. 25        7
           United Kingdom                            95                14

                                         Total       238     101   No. 39  No. 19
         Silver Watches—
           India                                     87        66  *»  62       41
           United Kingdom                            14     «•     n   32
           Other countries                            7        7       12       IS
  1                                     Total        108      62   No. 96  No. 64
   496   497   498   499   500   501   502   503   504   505   506