Page 504 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 504
Table No. 3-A,—Imports from the different countries in tlic Port of Hushirc during the years
1913-14 and iq( 1-15. classifeJ according to the Persian Customs
Dc*uii<lion of Goods. 1913-1L 1911-15. 1013-11. 1914-15.
£ £ Tons. Tons.
Cberrirnl pro! act •—
Ir.dia 1,03-1 Oil CO 2*
G:rmnnj . 113 2
United Kingdom 121 21 6 1
Other countries . 27 103 1
Total 1,233 1.191 CG | 2G
Tvj c gnplucal ar.d lithographic products —
It lia........................................ 512 639 9 9
Germany........................................ 4 3G
U: itod Kicidom ISO 31 1
O.hcr couitrici .... 10 5
Total 713 731 10 9
Forage —
India 19 2) 0 11
0: her Countries 73 41
Total 92 29 53 11
Kosia and Bitumen—
Jedia 39 25 5 1
Other countries 78 12
Total 217 25 17 1
Sosp, p^rfuaed—
India 112 66 - 1 •T-
United Kingdom 39 55
Other conttriss . 6 2
Total 167 123 1
411 otha soap—
Ucitoi Kingdom 176 202 7 9
India 321 130 15 6
O.ter countries . 186 45 2 1
Total 633 377 24 15
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