Page 509 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 509

Table No. 3>13.—Exports from the Port of Bushire to countries during the years
                    19*3-14 And 1914-15, classified according to the Persian Customs—-coiU-i.

                     Description of Qoode.        1913-14.  1911*15.  1913*11  1914-15.

                                                    £       £       Tons.    Ton*.
            India                                   1,753    1,994     312     353
            Other counlric* .                        861       12      69        2

                        Total                       2,113    2.00C     371     354

          Biscuits sni Gingerbread— .                          3
          Almonds Aid Pistachios—
            India                                  22,711   25,405     230      2G7
             United Kingdom ,                       8,424    1,030 «   73       13
            German/ ...                             4,753    1,253 • i  42      11
             Unite-; States of America              6,595     125 ; i   43       1
            Bahrain •   .   .                        333      125      11        4
             Franca   .   .   ,                     6,264              43
             Ra.'£a                                  409                4
             Other Countrie*                           9       19

                                     Total          47,603  28.014     456      295

          "Walnuts and Hazelnut*                     127      165       5        10
             India                                   668     1,035      43      68
             Other Countriei                         732      500       36      28

                                     Total          1,390    1.536      79      96
          Fruit*, fresi and Dry                     2,0'J6   1.431     190      195
          Fruit* presaxred                            66       39       a        a
                                                     400      135      132      sa
          Egg*                                                 10
                                        1                          No. 300  No. 7/XX)
          Honey    .                                  43       61                1
                                                      43       34                6
                                                      26                a



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