Page 510 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 510


             Table No. -3*B.—Exports from (lie Ports of Bushire to different countries during the years 1913-14
                           and 1914-15. classified according to the Persian Customs—cor.r-J.

                          Description of Goods.      1913-14.  1913-16.  1913-14.  1914-16.

                                                        £       £       Tens.   Toni.
              Lcxf Sugar .                               737      69       33       3
              Crystal Sugar •    t                       191     200       13      11
              Sweeti .   ,                               16       27
              T<*                                        13        6
              l!c?e wator—
                India                                   2,851   2,176     122      125
                Bahrain •                               1,925   1,125      90       55
                Other Couoliici                          311 |   252       13       12
                                         Total          5,090 !  ?,57i    525      192
              P. --v not ijccificd—
                India   .                               2,410   2,355     151      134
                United Kingdom                           722     651       92       97
                Bahrain  •                              1,162    479       93       42
                Egypt   .   .                            109     329       3        8
                Turkey   .                               453     •417      28       24
                Aeon                                     521     200       12       6
                Kuwait   .   ,                           478     1S3       19       9
                Masqat   •   .                           389     171       27       12
                Oman   .   ,                             136      98                7
                Italy                                              6

                                        Total           6,713   4,950     431      338
                India                                   2,603   3,117      23       35
                United Kingdom                           282      17       3
                Egjpt ..   .                             300               3     • ••
                Other countries .                         8        i

                                            Total       3,093   3.1C9      29       35
   505   506   507   508   509   510   511   512   513   514   515