Page 515 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 515
Tabic No. 3— B.— Exports from the Port of Bushire to different countries during the years 1913**4
and 1914-1S. classified according to the Persian Customs—con/d.
Dcs.-ription of Goods. 1913-14. 1914-15. 1913-14. 1914-16.
£ £ Tons. Ton?.
Tobacco unmanufactured - could.
France 433 13
Aden 3,003 410 107 17
United Kiugdora 1G7 5
Egypt . 151 3
Oman . . 41 93 l 3
Kuwait 190 72 3 3
Russia 115 5
Unite-1. Stales of America S2 i •2
TOTAL' 7,311 3,032 251 11J
Manufactured Tobacco:— . G
Germany . 3,833 7
Tur&ey 1
r 3,“31 7
Vegetables ar d substances: —
United Kingdom 7 406 11
Dyes not specifiod 55 99 3 5
Glassware . . 110 17 5 1
Window-glass . 7 2
Mirrors and Lamps— 3
Wax, raw—
Germany ...
Chemical product* 74
Carriages and accessories . 4
Chemical products—
United.Kingdom 480 3
Other countries . . 10
Total 490 3
119 F. A P. D.