Page 516 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 516
Tabic No. 3—B.—Hxports from the Port of Bushirc lo different countries during the years 1913-14
and 1914-15, classified according to the Persian Customs—comd*
Description of goods. 1913-14. 1911-15. 1913-14. 1014-15
£ £ Tons. Tons.
India 17,179 48,137
Turkey 30,3 OO
Kuwait cco
Bahrein 0.33
Tone ! 17,732 79,337
Total Foreign Trade of Southern Persian Ports (excluding those of Arabistan) during
the years 1912-13. I9»3-14 and 1914-15-
Increisj ia Decrease in
191 4-15 as 1914-15 as
District. 1512-13. 1913-14. 1914-16. compared with compared with
1913-14. 1913-14.
£ £ £
Eishire 551,720 825,707 669,339 156,423
B.'.nlar Albas 331,203 444.094 258,031 166,613
Ljlgch I53.3CS 156,581 139,074 47,507
IXIrar 226 511 662 121 i
Taiiri 1,729 1.254 1,894 640 •••
Eniir Dila= 2.010 2.261 1,356
. « Big 143 715 227 458
G-.-naweh 78 209 681 372
Klarg 228 103 659 556
E-:-dlulleh 24 37 83 46
CLihlar 15,821 16,393 11,310 5.0S9.
Jashk 1,850 2.696 2,348 317
• Kii'sm 16.331 14.927 13,846 1,031
Thb (Minal) 1,027 566 53 61S
Total 1.474S29 1,496,749 1,099,613 1.736 398,971
Duresse £ 3,97,236