Page 513 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 513
Tabic No. 3-B.—Exports from the Port of Buslilrc to different countries during the years »9>3*i4
and 191.1-13. classified according to the Persian Customs—confo-
Description of Goods. 1913-1L 1911-15. 1913-14 1914-l£
£ £* Tons. Tons.
Woollen yaruns. 103 110
Wwlloii carpets—
Egypt 23,216 10,368 76 •W
United Slates of America 1S2 6,307 8
25,158 6.2 W 80 2
India • • • 2,s-:o 1,703 8
United Kingdom 8, 197 816 26
Germany . 2,333 412 8
France 553 197 1
Italy . 1G3
Bahrain • 441 130 2
Kuwait 351 91 1 1
Masqat . 197 30 1
Austria 714 7 1
Other countries . 79
Total 64,o>3 27.024 204 S3
7 is? as of pure wool . 455 36 1
Indian shawls. II
Tissues of wool mixed with cotton 10 67
Tissues of pore silk . 76 306
Silk carpets • •• 93
Tissues of flax and hemp . 3
Tissue not specified . • 10 1
Silver and gold thread 1
Meicery and Haberdashery , 129 90 2
Ropes, otc. ... 14 8
Furniture not specified 7 l
Articles or art • • . 36 177 1