Page 511 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 511

         Tabic No. 3-13.—Exports from the Port of Bushirc to different countries during the years 1913-U
                     and 1914-15, classified according to the Persian Customs—contd.

                      Description of goods.       1913-14.  1911-15.  1013-11.  1911-15.

                                                   £        £       Tons.    Tons.
         Spices not specified—
           India                                     183     780       13       39
            Other countries                          171     131       10       9
                                        Total        339     911       22       43
         Gam Insoluble—
            United Kingdom                          1,016   2,163      71      199
            India                                  11,553   1,737     773      139
            Germany •                               2,2*20   380      111       32
            Belgium .                                        ■117               22
            O' countries                         3       10                 l

                                        Total      14,152   4,397     956      393
         Gum Trogacantb —
            United Kingdom                         43,919   33,147    491      121
            United Stales of America .             10,300   7,363      83       67
            Germany .                               7,211   3,422      72       66
            Belgium ,                               2,132   1,957      23       21
            India ,   •                             2,ICO   1,180      23       10
            Austria                                 1,711    576       16       7
            Egypt                                    16       31     ••s      • ••
            Franco                                  2,203              IS

                                        Total      75,605   54,721    711      598
         Animal products not specified—
            Germany ,   .                           1,628    428        8        8
            United Kingdom                           151     333       27
            India   » *.                             86      166        1        I
            Other eountrie* .                        173      13       30                   ; :

                                        Total       2,341    939       69       4

            J49JT. 4P.D.

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