Page 514 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 514

            Table .Vo. 3-B.—Exports from the Port of Busliirc to different countries during the years 1913-14
                        aiul 1914-15. classified according to the Persian Customs—coutd.

                         Description of Goods.      1913-14.  1914-15.  1913-14.  1914-15.

                                                      C        £       Tons.   Tons.
               Uniit-l Kingdom                        23,920  3C8.1CI     11      1G3
               Singapore •                            ate     43.350              24
               India                                   1,273  36,300      1       18
               Dutch Indies .                        258.581  35,653     110      19
               Hesgkong (Chins)                       21,055  21,978      10      14
                                                        136    4.917               3
               Italy                                            706
               Otlir countries                          116      25
                                           Total     2:5,6S7  451,053 !  133     210

            JBoaver sV-ts                                9
            Fox skits ,                                          8      Ml
            Other r.»T sirini
               India                                  25,212  16,153     4-53     3S8
               Ur:*.*3 Kingdom                          27        3
               Otkor eoaatrici •                         4                      • ••

                                           Total.     25,213   16,161 |  4.53    283
            Leather manufactures r—                     14      105    • •I
            Earthenware .   .                           309     315      13       13
            Forage                                      14       13       6        8        r
            Besin •                                      8     • ••
            Printed cat ter                             33       10
            Porfumerj                                   20     SM      IM
              Kuwait            1                       291
            Tobacco uunancfactured :—
              Turkey                                   2,059   1,235     100      54
              Bahrain                                   916     461       31      21

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