Page 505 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 505


          Tabic No. 3-A.—Imports from the different countries in the Port of fJushire during the years
                   1913-1.1 and 1914-15. classified according to the Persian Customs—-cord'd.

                      Description of Goods.       1012-14.  1914-13.  1913-11.  1914-15.

                                                    £        £       Tons.    Tons.
         C a manu factu-ed, ToVacco .                 03        1
         T:\mccoo M*nnfoetus 4—
            Unite! Kingdom                           305      116       2
            India                                    203      264                1
            Other countries .                         26       10
                                         Total       c9l      473       2        1
         Dyes, Indigo—
            India                                   2,079     663       8        3
            Germany .                               1.5*5     627       G        3
                                         Total      i275     1,290 |   11 I      5
         P„'uIj, dyis a:;d raraishes —
            India .                                  1C-3     199       5        5
            Germany .                                          21
            Other countries .                         11       1        1
            United Kingdom                            15
                                         Tefal  i    221      224       o        6
         Vegetables and Sulr.ances —
            Toricy                                    91      C8        2        3          1
            India                                     5       12
            Other countries .                         12      12
                                         Total       111      92        2        2
         Glais and Crystalware—
            Germany .                                326     350        3        3
            India .                                  VI      262        8       6
            United Kingdom                           161      67        2       1
            Austria                                           G4     •••
           Belgium .            *•                            40                1
            Hus si a                               1.001      28       11
           Other countries .                         So       20
                                        Total      2,061     851       21       10
   500   501   502   503   504   505   506   507   508   509   510