Page 500 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 500
Tabic No. j-A.—Imports from tbc different countries in the Port of Bushirc during the years
1 igij.i.1 and 1914*15, classified according to the Persian Customs—esnM.
Dc cr’piion of Goods. 1913-11. 1911-15. 1913-14. 1911-15.
£ £ Tons. Tens.
Tissues of mIV mixed with cotton —
Germany .... 8,076 1,119 4 2
United Kingdom 1,50s COO 1 1
India . . . . 7i‘*5 611 1
Turley 222 185 1
Other countries S2
Franco 91 05 !j
; Total 6,'293 2,935 6 4
Go’.d anJ Silver thread—
India 1,37 S 921 0 4
I Germany . Sol 150 3 l
Oiler countries . 5S 37
1 5
Total 3,2.*7 1,10s | 9 :
* i
I.ace u:.d oinlr.-ideiy—
India 711 632
: United Kingdom 63 41 •m
Turkey 296 39
F ranee 6 4
>« ■
Total 1,114 716
Tissues not specified—
India S59 451
Turley 3C6 330
Germany . 191 46 • H
United Kingdom n 46
Other countries 29 33
Total 1,499 926
Ropo% cordage and twine—
India 620 472 23 17
Other countries . 1 144 4*
Total 621 616 £3 21