Page 502 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 502


              Tabic No. j-A.—Imports from the different countries In the Port of Bushirc during the years 1913-14
  . 1                       and 191.1-15, classified according to the Persian Customs—cunl-J,
                           Description tf Goods.       1913-11.  1 DU-15.  19131-1.  1911-16.

                                                         £        £      Tent.    Tons.
              Other watches—
                 Germany                                           C3            No. 38
                 India                                     69      51   No. 2 CO  m  149
                 United Kingdom .                          6       35   M   2G   •9  176
                 Turkey                                             8     • ••       19
                                              Total        65      157  No. 2S6 ' No. 411

              Slips .ltd teats —
                 India                                     66      40
                 Other c'untries .                         l
  :                                           Total        CO      •10
              Pijcr fir Printing Writing—
                 India                                   1,031     820      32       21
                 Italy                                             50                 1
                 United Kingdom .                          82      36        1     • H
                 France                                    7       10     1m
                Germany                                    37       3        2
                Other countries                           153                3
                                              Total      1,363    929       33 |     25
              Tap.T manufactures—
                 United Kingdom                           267      S3        1
                Jndia                                     171      103       2        1
                Other countries                            12      12
                                              Total       •150     198       3        1
                India                                     71       70              • ••
                France .                                   25      20
                United Kingdom                             31      18
                Germany .                                  17       2
                 Other countries .                         22             •••
                                              Total       166      110

  |                                                                                         t
   497   498   499   500   501   502   503   504   505   506   507