Page 503 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 503
Tabic No. 3-A.—Imports from the different countries in the Port of Bushirc during the years
1913-14 and 191.4-15, classified according to the Persian Customs—cout(L
Dt.vription of Goods. 1913-11. 1914-15. 1913-1 L 1011-15.
£ £ Tons. Terj.
Skins raw and driod—
India . . 26-3 594 4 8
Duhrnio 136 186 4 4
Ttukoy 35 90 2
Other countries . 6 49 1
Total 413 919 « I 15
Fox skies—llascat 29
Skit*, tanned, Jyed, varnished—
India 1,759 174 8 1 2
Turkey 36 1
Kuwait 25
United KIrgdora 45 1
Pah rain . 45
Told 1,379 585 9 ! 3
Leather macJ’sclnres—
India 2.SS1 S56 10 2
Unitod Kingdom 696 405 1 1
Germany . 223 129
Olkar cocctries . 136 6
Totd 3,944 1,396 11 3
Pottery, China-xarc, and Porcelain—
India 1,218 679 26 15
United Kingdom 838 673 15 15
Germany 64 112 1 2
Franca 49 30 1 1
Other countries . 6 60
Cassia 4,323 56
China SO
„ Total 6,583 1*544 99 34
H9 1.4P.D.