Page 490 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 490

              Tr.fcfc No.j (A) Import from the different countries in the Port cf Dushire during the years
                        1913.14 nnil 1914-15, classified according to the Persian Customs—<vnfJ.

                          Dctcrijdiun of Goods.       1912-14.  1011-15.  1913-H.  lrH-lG.
              Wut-                                      £        £      Tjna.    Tens.
                 India                                 32,350   *21,130  2,713    1 73
                OU>cr co lutrics                          10      CO        3        6
                                             Total     32.390   21,190   2,710    3,779
                In ia                                   2,235              259
                 Uahrain ,                               412      201      55       33
                 Oilur ccjntrks .                        CG5       13      77        3
                                             Total      3,292     217      391  j   •13
              Ka.v. j*—                                                       1
 :               India                                  1,623              270 :
                 Oilier <: id vies .                      S5               11 ■
 .                                                  ,
 ;                                           T*.J       1,703        !     251 •
              C::?r grain—
                 Ii.dia                                 1,703     952      160      78
                 Turkey                                  616      911      77      107
                 Other ciuntrics .                        36       7S       3        7

                                             Teed       2,385    1.071     210     192
                India                                     72      54        3        1
                 United Kingdom                           88       44       3        2
                Other countries                           13       7
                                             Total       175      105       5        S
                India                                  14,168    3,S51    1,370    306
                Russia                                   256               29
                Other ceantr.*                            24       8        S
                                             Total     14,448    3.559 ,  1,402 1  366
                                                    »                         I


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