Page 486 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 486
Tnblc No. a-15- Exports from the Port of Bushlrc to different countries during the years 1912-13,
>9and *9*-|-*S-
Yalue. Weight.
Arti lcs.
1012-13. 1913*11. 1911-15. 1912-13. 1913-14. 1914-15.
£ C C Tons. Tons. Tons.
Matches 89 90 1,292 2 2 19
Hur.'cs and foals , 319 3*35 55 31 28 5
Sb'cp and goats , 4 So 1.913 c:»9 1,714 6.C93 1,515
Bnttcr . 808 1,304 2,133 10 15 94
Wheat . 21,973 2,515 9,136 3,729 336 1,347
Eai’.ej . , • 13,751 3,158 1,(31 3,575 519 243
Other g»a’n . 5,119 3,9; 3 2,138 599 314 210«s . . . 3.599 2,113 3/106 756 371 354
A'utonds and pV.achioi 41,759 •17,603 2S.C14 533 450 295
R.i:*:ni . . 2,110 1.390 1,526 133 79 95
It c* 2 water , , 5,923 5,030 3,574 271 225 192
A;.-afu'llda , . 2,0^5 3,095 3,159 25 29 35
Drtgs ret specified . 5,072 6,713 4,WO 272 431 333
Gam insoluble 23,113 14,492 4,507 1,410 996 393
Gum tiagscanth 72,102 75,505 5-1,721 699 741 593
Animal products not ‘pec;5«-d 1,009 2,341 939 27 69 4
Spices net specified « 5C6 359 911 31 23 43
Raw cotton • . • 4,034 2,219 228 84 43 7
Wool, raw . • • 3,794 6,152 5,136 115 182 160
Carpets of wool • 78,949 61,588 27,024 208 204 83
Opium . . • 293,861 295,687 4-54.093 130 138 240
Skins, raw 18,423 26,2-13 16.131 364 458 2S8
Tobacco unmanufactured . 6,117 7,341 3/32 210 254 119
Indigo . . . . 3.S31 • •• 1
Vegetable substance! , 62 7 •406 1 U
Specie 20,625 17,732 79,337 Ml