Page 471 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 471
20 shthis (‘10 pub) . . =1 kran=-ll'? (nearly.)
10 Iran* . • . =1 toman.
Coinage current in districtNickel pieces of 1 and 2 shakis; silver pieces of 1 kran (very few),
2 and 5 krans (Tew). Imperial Bank of Persia notes of 1,2, 3, 5, 10, etc., tumans.
In Bushire itself rupees and sovereigns are commonly accepted.
Maximum • Krara 68 \
Minimum . „
Aveng* . „ 02 50
Weights of Commercial Importance in District,
16 k:i£s (l Baskire man)......................................................................................... 7 75 lbs.
1 Tabriz or Cetera* man (also called batman) ....... 6*54 „
1 Shiraz man ............ 735 „
1 Biikcra Mai
In Bashir* . ..................................................................................................... 121 ..
Iu Chogadik and Ck&hknt&h.................................................................................. 121
Ia Angali, fludhilleb, iChnslnb, Ziarat, Shabankaroh, Zojdooa and Eekbvkan . 130} „
Ir Ziraaci Bibira ........... 155 „
Ic lfyat Baud ............................................................................................................... 1S5 „
In Liram ............ 232J «
In Hindi* a 210 „
1 (ICO batmans) ........................................................................................... G51 „
Transport from Bushire to the interior is almost entirely by mules. A fair weight for bales
transported by mule is 150 to ISO lbs. each half mule-load. Cases should be oblong, about 30 by 16
by 16 inches.
Noth.—Statistical tables havebion converted at the rate of 60 krans to the £l for 1911-15 at 65 kiass for 1913-14 i
and 1912-13.