Page 465 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 465

                                    PORT OF BCSHIRE.
        U»ljrn of Drilish Shipping which Entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port during
                                      the year 19
        jTj *:>f render! 1 a» soon &j possible aft<r tbc cz>Zd the ym to willed tic Ilclcra relates, az-I alio czr.l'>:i:-lln tbe AunoU Report).
                                     (<i) S'Cam Patch.
                           ENTERED.                              CLEARED.
                   With Car.   Is Dallasu' Total.       WrhCu* I  I\* Ballast.
          ?.unlri<s   oors.                   C :ontrc* to   GOES.  I     To MU
        ul.n.e inttrcJ, «                        t’.e»r<*L
                  No.      No.1    No.                  Na.;   l-v?i    k°-l
                    iToauage.  °* Toasan. .i1^ T  range.  ?f  T:nungc. Tonuaro. ^  (T: -nagf.
                  Vct-    jV.s-                        Ves­
                  scls.          ~                     sels.    hit.!   sels.
        CiItvI KiogJoa .  2:  M,33S    33.335 Cai:*l Kingdoa . j 0   20.228  0 20,228
       0:*.!T coao:r!cs,                   0*'-.'r eCLSlrles, ;   1
          Ivlh .   .117  13?,3S?  2/ * 11> 1;!,373   lzl\1  . ICC* 1J3,S5Tj 2.i   •11.015 120 I =$,203
                 :                                                .
          A 2 on .          :  13..;:  8 :*,u<  .1 ?t3   3   3,023 . . ;  3‘ . 3,*23
           i Scr\ ?«•*.  1  1,232  2.:.:  3  3.073  7 2 S  7: ;s.   3   3,01 J 1  7,* .T   7   11.175
                 :                   I                                     :
          T-.rlcy           5  •l.l-l  3,  •1 171  4 :rkey .      3  0,737   3;  0,757
                 1                                     1
         llaslat            :  l.i*:  i; 1.531   A as trails      1  2,3 71   1(   2,331
          Mc-ss             1  l.iiO  lj 1.531
          . ailed S*a!es          •:
           of AdirioJ.I 2  5.133 ... j  2   5.133
          Total   113  221,151  23,:*:o igi 33j«ih  Tot At  121 171,322 25   61/M5 152; 232,307
                                    (4) Sailing r«?di.

                           ENTEREDl                             CLEARED.
                  With Ca»-   lx Eallast.  }  Total.    WicsCas-  L\ Ballast.  Total.
         Constrict   goes.        !          C-anstries to   GOtd.      1
        »Iiice entered.                      is Lick cleared.           I
                  No.     No.*     No.                 No. |    No.     No.
                  of               of                  of ?Tor          !
                                                       V«i- T°C
                 Vc*. Tonnage.  Tonnarr. V«-  Tocrage.  ids. r±T—;£i       T.aaags.
                          sola.   sell.
       CUatl Kingdom .      i              United Kingdom .
           countries,       ?              Otler ccutrin,
                          .V.7.             nt                    Sit.
   460   461   462   463   464   465   466   467   468   469   470