Page 463 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 463

        Tabic No. 3 (B).—TZxjXiVtS from the Port of Bushirc to different countries during the years
                 1912-13, and 1913-X4. classified according to the Persian Customs—concld.

                                                  1912-13.  1913-1-1-  1912-13.  1913-14.

                                                   £       £               Ton«,
        liver sides—
            G<Tnjanj                                          9
        AVtr is* Ain«—
            Ir |:a   .                             17.524   2G.2T2   311     438
            I'nited                                 9J* !    27      23
            0:)nr (ouutrua                                    •I
                                         Tctal     19,423  28,213 |  3*H     433 rrsrufacturci                        1G      11
        Ii.-l.cun are                               691     3C-J     22       13
       T ns*                                         15      II      12       G
         u    •   •                                           3
       7.-.: *.»d xa:tcr                             91      33       1
       icrfuwcrv .                                           20
            Kuwait .                                        291
       • \  u:: nmifact..rvd —
            A-I.a   .   .                           45G    3,CO '     13     107
            T .-Ivy .                              2.913    2. :o    111     1"0
            lV-rnin                                1.233    91*1     39       31
            K *- * ait .                            110      ISO      4       8
            r.;>-ift .                                       113              5
            United States of America .                       62               2
            O -jan .                                                          1
            Iriia .                                 132               5
            F-nace .                                lb2               4
            C-'.tcd Kingdom             *            C4               2
                                         T.til     5,117    7.311    210     231
       '’■r sfad^red tobacco                          3       5
       T.gdallc fibslancc*                           62       7       1
       I’vvc net spcciGcd                            27      53       1       3
       Oiuswa** .                                   233      140      4       5
       ^"adow-glaj*                                   2       7
       X'::ora and lamps, etc.                                3
       Hitt tu-
            Gcxman                                  133               1
            t’tiled Kingdom                         109               2
                                         Total      332               S
                                                           • N              •m
       CVmlml products                                1
       Ci—iapn .                                      4                     • ••
       Mineral water                                  1                     •n
       Specie -
            Iclia .                                20,569  17,179
            Fib rain .                                       533
            Tcrlcay .                                36                     • ••
                                         Total     20,025  17,733
   458   459   460   461   462   463   464   465   466   467   468