Page 456 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 456


                 Tabic No a (B) —Imports from the different countries in the Port of Bushire during the yCi|fs
                          I9I2-I0I3. and Z9r3-Z4* classified according to Persian Customs-contd.
                                                          1912-13.   1913-14.  1913*13.  1913*14.

                                                             £       £      Tons.   Ton*.
                 Pc tier/, Chin ware and Powliii
                      Rum!*   .   •                          7.391   4.323     97      SC
                      India                                   Mi     1.218     10      26
                      United Kingdom                         295      838      6       16
                      Chin*   .   .   .                       18      80
                      Germany   .   .                         51      r.i      1       i
                      V mure   .   •                                  49
                      Italy                                            ti
                      Other countries                         27               l
                                                  Total      8.370 |  6,383   120      SV
                 Chemical p -oflnets—
                      India .   .                            1.1CG   1,054     59
                      United Kingdom                          72      121      6        6
                      Oiler countrici                         17 i    27
                                                  Total     1,235 ]  1,232     « !
                 7.'i^grnplucal *nd Litli’yrsj hie £ relucts—    1
                      India                                  60s :    612              9
                      Unit I'd Kingd m                       157      is<*     l        1
                      Oiler couutriii                          l  !   23
                                                  Total      GGG  I   713      3       10
                      India .                            i    116     19       79 I    3
                      Ollier countries                   i     3      73       3 ;     •14
                                                  Total       119     92       82      63
                 p.-.iin and hitninen —
                      India .                                  9                       5
                      United Kingdom                          M       39       i i
                      Ollier couuiRvS                          3      7S               12
                                                  Total       20      117      2 !     .7
                 Soap, perfumed—
                      India                                   123     112      1        1
                      United Kinglom                          20      39
                      Other tou Ulrica                        13       6
                                                  Total       156     157      1        1
                 13 other »oap—
                      India   .   .                           313     321      14      15
                      United Kingdom                          13:     176              7
                      Russia .   .                            19 |    15       1
                      Italy .                                   y     93               2
                      France .                                  I     20
                      Other countries      *                   3J      3
                                                  Total      349      C33      16      u
                 Tobacco, unmanufactured—
                      India   •  %                            78      62       1
                      Other conn trim                          6      13
                                                  Total       83      65       1

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